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Daily Archive: 28/03/2021



March 2021



Fighting For Your Life by Lysa Walder

Written by , Posted in Reviews

Three Stars

Best for:
Anyone who likes sort of true-life medical stuffs.

In a nutshell:
London paramedic Walder shares stories from various Paramedic calls she’s experienced during her career.

Worth quoting:
The bit at the end with tips about calling 999, should probably be printed and distributed in every household in the UK.

Why I chose it:
I was looking for something not too involved that I could listen to on my longer runs. This came up in the audio book app I use, given some previous purchases.

This is a fairly short book (5 hours as an audio book) that is broken into different types of paramedic calls author Walder has experienced during her career. She doesn’t share lots of her personal life or her path to the field like previous similar books; instead after a fairly straightforward interview she just gets right into it.

I can see why she decided to write the book and why a publisher chose to print it – the stories are generally interesting, not too over the top or salacious, and give a wide perspective on what it is like to be a paramedic in London. We don’t learn a lot about the author herself, but that’s okay – not every book like this need to go deeper into the author’s life. I don’t think the book is that much the worse for it, though it would have been interesting to learn about what (if any) support is offered to paramedics after particularly traumatic experiences.

If this isn’t usually your type of book, I’m not going to say you should drop everything and pick it up, but if you find yourself enjoying medical memoirs, you’ll probably like this one.

Keep it / Pass to a Friend / Donate it / Toss it:
Audio book, so kind of have to keep it.