ASK Musings

No matter where you go, there you are.



January 2025



All That Remains by Sue Black

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4 Stars

Best for:
Those interested in forensic anthropology. Not for those who find the discussion of death (and specifics surrounding the investigation of it) to be traumatizing.

In a nutshell:
Forensic Anthropologist Black shares her experience with the dead and the living.

Worth quoting:
“If we cannot influence it, perhaps we shouldn’t waste precious time worrying about it.”

Why I chose it:
I’ve been interested in the field of forensic anthropology for awhile.

If you’ve read my reviews a bunch of the years (or if you know me in real life), you’ll know that for a time, a major part of my job was planning for the response to mass fatality incidents in King County, where Seattle is. Part of that involved working closely with two colleagues, one of whom was an amazing forensic anthropologist called Dr. Kathy Taylor. She died a few years ago, and I miss her. She was amazing to work with, and shared with the author of this book something other than a career field: she cared deeply about those she encountered through her work, and wanted to do her best to ensure families were reunited and the unidentified were known.

The author of this book, Sue Black, works out of Dundee, in Scotland, and has had a fascinating career. The book covers her life and her work, interweaving personal stories with some well-known ones. She talks about training in anatomy, and her own early experience with death in her family. She also shares how she handled the deaths of her parents.

One chapter deals with how identification is made, using age, sex, ancestry and stature. She handles the topic of sex v gender extremely well in my opinion, and talks through why, for example, it’s much easier to determine the age of a child through bones than it is to determine the age of an adult.

She has had a storied career and helped many people, including traveling repeatedly to Kosovo to help identify victims in that conflict, as well as pushing the UK to develop a world-leading capability in disaster victim identification. The chapter on that was one I found most interesting, given my background.

The book has some gentle humor but is always respectful of the living and the dead. She talks a great deal about reverence and respect for those who donate their bodies after death so others can learn (that’s on my list, though the university I currently have listed is about 6,000 miles away, so I should probably update that), and also shares interesting nuggets of wisdom. For example, I learned than anyone with a tattoo (I’m included there) may have ink in their lymph nodes? Fascinating.



January 2025



Island of Dreams by Dan Boothby

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3 Stars

Best for:
Fans of nature writing that also has a background story.

In a nutshell:
Author Boothby became fascinated by author Gavin Maxwell and the life he lived in Scotland, and spent time living where he did.

Worth quoting:
“…a genius doesn’t necessarily make for an easy person to live with or to know.”

“For once in my life I knew what it was to have purpose. Up until then, my life had been goal-orientated, which is all very well, but once you achieve a goal, or fail, what then? Set yourself up with another? Set yourself up to win, or lose? Over and over?”

Why I chose it:
I love Skye and the Highlands and pretty much all of Scotland (it’s why I live here now), and I also enjoy quality nature writing. Plus, otters!

There are two different books in here. Not literally, but there are stories that are related, and some parts are fantastic and other parts are more challenging.

Boothby read one of Gavin Maxwell’s books at a young age, and became enthralled with the life Maxwell led. I’d never heard of Maxwell before reading this book, but he’s apparently a well-known author who was also an unpleasant man who took in wild animals and kept them as pets. He was a complicated man by all accounts – the kind that people write books and stories about, even though as individuals they were probably deeply unpleasant to spend time with.

Maxwell lived in the West Highlands, and author Boothby decided to make a pilgrimage there many times, finally settling down there temporarily to serve as caretaker to the lighthouse and former home of Maxwell. He lived in a studio attached to what was turned into a holiday cottage that is rented by tourists, and gave tours while also keeping up the land. He looked for otters, and tried to commune with the spirit of Maxwell in that space.

The Maxwell storyline led to the book being written, and provides a bit of a connective tissue throughout, but the parts of most interest to me are the descriptions of the area and the people beyond Maxwell. Boothby discusses the old lighthouses and how they were staffed and maintained, about the challenges of living in harsh conditions. He describes the land and the weather and the plants and animals in ways that one could picture. That part of the book is intriguing and what kept me reading; the Maxwell bit much less so.

I might have given this book four stars, but at one point Boothby describes two women on a yacht as ‘blubbery.’ Come on dude. Unnecessary and also just bizarre choice. Which then makes me wonder about the author even more than I already had.



January 2025



Ghosted by a Friend

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I’ve been with my husband for nearly 14 years, but in the time before I met him, when I was dating, I don’t think I was ever ghosted. There’d be an uncomfortable email or maybe text, but no guy just disappeared. I do understand the inclination to avoid the awkward conversation with someone you barely know; it’s easier (though not, I would argue, better) to dissolve into the fog of night than send that text or email and possibly get something unpleasant in return.

However, even though I’ve never been ghosted by a potential romantic partner, I have been ghosted twice by people who I considered good friends. I know folks have written about ‘friendship break-ups’ before (I’m not breaking new ground here), but I find it interesting that ghosting in a romantic sense gets so much attention when I would argue that friendship ghosting is a much more painful experience. A guy or gal who spends a couple of dates with me and decides there’s no future there? Eh, it happens. But someone who knows me well and decides the friendship isn’t worth it to them? That cuts deep.

Even though it’s only happened to me twice, it takes up a lot of space in my head, and I’m hoping that writing about it will help me move past it.

The first time it was former classmate turned roommate. We lived together for two years, then she moved to another state. I also moved away, and she made the effort to come visit me. We spoke on the phone every month or so, and I invited her to my wedding. She didn’t come due to a work event, which I think was probably an obvious sign in retrospect. She got engaged, and called to share the news. But that was the last time I heard from her. I saw she got married because she was tagged in some photos on social media; she didn’t respond to a couple of emails from me so I stopped trying.

Maybe she just didn’t feel like keeping up another long-distance friendship. Maybe I’d said something in a conversation that deeply offended her. I’m not sure what that would be (and as I’m fairly judgmental of myself, and am constantly replaying conversations in my head if I think I’ve said something wrong, I think I would have recognized it) but maybe over time she’d changed and I’d not been around to notice. Maybe it wasn’t a choice, it was just something that happened, and there was no need on her end to try to reconnect.

It happened a second time, about six years ago, and that one hurt even more. And still does, to some extent.

When my partner and I decided to move to London, one thing I was excited about was getting to spend time with my friends. I’d lived in the UK before, and have some good friends who had stayed after grad school. I also had one friend who I met in 2002 in NYC who lived in London and who I was so excited to see. We had kept our friendship up after living away from each other for maybe ten of those years; it was great to spend time with her the first time I lived in the UK.

I think I probably had some odd expectations around what our friendship would be like. When we had lived in the same city before, we saw each other often. When I moved to London – we didn’t see each other much. Obviously people have lives and things going on, but I thought more than once every couple of months wasn’t odd. She also sort of disappeared for a couple of months at a time. With people I consider close friends, we’ll exchange texts every few weeks (if we aren’t in the same town), and more often if we are. Not so much with her, which again, fine. Everyone has their own style.

When we did hang out I found it to be like most other friendships. But I definitely did most of the initiating, so that’s one sign. Over one summer she went silent for a couple of months; then she responded and we got together for lunch. We got dinner and saw a movie with her partner (also a friend), and then had lunch again a month later.

But around Christmas I stopped hearing from her again. My birthday came and went with a text from her partner but not her. I sent a text to share a milestone (finally got my own credit card here!) — nothing. Finally, I sent her an email seeing if she was okay. The thing is, she’s never been someone who is overly open about her life. I have no idea, for example, what her romantic life was like before she met her partner. Not much insight into her childhood. But she was always a good friend in the moment — understanding, willing to listen, offering advice, or just commiserating about the state of the world.

But the more I’ve thought about it, it’s likely that if she were telling this story, it’d go something like this:

“Yeah, I was okay friends with this woman in grad school and after, then we went our separate ways, then she moved to London for a year and we hung out. But she just moved back and wanted to hang out way more than I did, so I just decided to let her down easy because we aren’t that close. Like, I’d listen when she shared stuff but didn’t share the same back so I mean, she must have known it wasn’t that kind of friendship. I’m assuming she got the hint.”

Which is totally valid – not everyone is going to view every friendship the same way. But that doesn’t make it any less sad for the person who thought they had a close friend, y’know?

There’s a part of me that hopes there’s an explanation, because otherwise, I’m just the person who thought she had a good friend but didn’t. Especially, as I get older, I like making new friends, but I also value deeply the people who have known me over the years. She knew me at 22, and knew me at 38 and it’s odd that our shared history just … went away.

In the end, though, just as I wouldn’t actually want to date someone who didn’t want to date me, I don’t want to be friends with someone who doesn’t care for me. I was going to say life is too short for that, but actually, I think life is too hard and too wonderful for that. I know not every friendship will look the same, and I have some fine acquaintances and surface-level friendships that work great. But for my close friends? I want people who are there for me when I need them, and who I am there for as well. For the fun, silly stuff, and for the hard stuff. I thought I had that with her, but I don’t, and it’s time to move on.



January 2025



Seventeen Days

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I haven’t been to work since 19 December. I mean, I haven’t been in the office since before then, but I mostly work from home, so at around 4PM on the 19th I turned off my work computer and managed to only think about it a couple of times. I didn’t travel – I didn’t even take a day trip (mostly thanks to the weather and the holidays).

So what did I do? I read like four books. I watched Christmas movies and baked. Austin and I sorted out some home repairs and admin (like finally taking a bunch of art to a framer so we can put things up on our very bare walls). I talked to friends on the phone, sent texts to group chats. I put all my photos in photo albums, uploaded ones that aren’t printed yet, and started the process of printing them, because I love looking at physical pictures.

I also started an intro to Buddhism course, which I am super excited about. I’ve taken meditation courses before, and read some books, but I’m specifically excited about taking the steps to actually learn about the Buddha and see if this spiritual tradition is one that resonates with me.

I wrote nearly every day, and posted essays that had been sitting in my drafts.

I played games and did puzzles with Austin. I watched TV shows and movies with him. I sat reading next to him while he played video games. I annoyed him with my need to do things before I could relax.


Every day I got up and stretched, then ran or did the elliptical, and then did my chores. Usually by mid-day I was done with what I wanted to do that day, and would just sit and read, or watch TV, or maybe go on a walk with Austin. Or bake something. It was delightful.

As always though, in the back of my mind was the reminder that at some point I’d have to go back to work, and back to my regularly scheduled life. And don’t get me wrong, I have a sweet life. Like, it’s really cushy. My partner and I ‘own’ our own home (well, like 25% of it), I have a decent job with a good enough salary and great boss and a schedule I set myself. I have friends and meaningful non-work activities. I have reasonably good health, and I’m very active.

But it did get me thinking, as I regularly do, about the decisions that have been made over the centuries that got us to this place. A place where, even with all the positives about my life, I was exhausted and pretty desperate for this time off. A place where so many folks have to work super hard at jobs they hate to be able to afford things that should just be available, like food, and water, and shelter. Even the phrase we commonly use to talk about working is to ‘earn a living,’ as though we need to earn the right to live. It’s fucking wild.

My job isn’t important, and a lot of jobs are not critical, though I do try to shift the perspective because otherwise I think I’d be miserable. Like, yes, some folks spend their days moving numbers around spreadsheets. But maybe that’s the spreadsheet that manages the production budget for a TV show or film that brings people joy. I do a lot of tasks that on their own seem menial, but they do help (very far down stream) students pursue their dreams of gaining knowledge or becoming doctors. That’s kind of cool.

And of course, behind all of this, was the turning of the calendar, and the assessment of where I am in life in general and what I value and want to focus on. I think there’s more work I need to do there, but this little break has shown me that I want more of this kind of time and space, I want more travel, and I want to find ways to help more people to be able to have what THEY want out of life.

Also more kitten cuddles.



January 2025



Wicked Part 1

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4.5 Stars

I read the book Wicked is based on in 2018 and did not like it. But I’d heard some of the songs from the musical and so the next year for my birthday my partner got us tickets to go see the production in the West End, and I absolutely loved it.

When I heard about the film version being made, and that Ariana Grande had been cast, I had some doubts, because she was known to me mostly as a pop singer, and I was concerned someone who wasn’t primarily a musical theater actor wouldn’t be able to do the part justice. I didn’t have concerns about Cynthia Erivo being cast given her musical theater background. I had further doubts when I learned that the film was being split into two parts, and that the first part was going to be as long as the musical itself was. Why? Why was this necessary?

I’m thrilled that I was wrong to be skeptical about the casting decision and the choice to split the film in two. I’d known for awhile that I was wrong about Grande’s casting, because I am on TikTok and so had seen so much of her performance before being able to watch the film itself. Last night we finally were able to stream it at home, and it was absolutely spectacular. Yes, it was two and a half hours long, but I loved nearly every minute of it.

There were parts that dragged a little and could have been cut shorter, but I also think that the film’s storytelling helped make the different aspects of the plot and the characters much clearer than the stage musical. I mean, it makes sense – facial expressions are easier to read, and multiple takes mean you can get the best version of a scene before the viewers. But being able to linger on a scene a bit longer can help address one of the issues that I think so many musicals have – jumping from song to song without any character development in between. I also think the acting was incredible from both Erivo and Grande. Grande had me laughing out loud multiple times – and the choices she and Erivo made during the songs were incredible.

I loved the sets and costumes as well. I know some folks didn’t like the color choices or the lack of color saturation, but I think it really worked well. Some of the effects didn’t work so great (specifically the lion cub – I briefly thought I was watching the Lion King remake), but others were breathtaking. And the direction of the large production numbers was fantastic. I cannot imagine singing and dancing live while doing repeated takes of such athletic numbers.

Beyond the quality of the production itself, I think the story it tells is important. Selfishness, overconfidence, bullying, being an outcast, being taken advantage of, having values that are different from one’s friends (or at least having different lengths one is willing to go to in order to support those values) – all of these themes come into play, against the backdrop of such a fantastical world.

I’m happy we chose to buy and not rent it, because I’m looking forward to watching it again.



January 2025



The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie

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3 Stars

Best for:
Fans of the genre.

In a nutshell:
Jane Finn has some important war-related documents. Unfortunately, she has been missing for years, and even though The Great War is over, those documents are important. However, through a few seemingly random interactions, friends Tommy and Tuppence end up trying to track Jane down.

Worth quoting:

Why I chose it:
I’ve been enjoying her books and plays, and so placed holds on whatever the library had, and this was the first to become available.

I didn’t enjoy this as much as the The Unexpected Guest, but it was still an interesting read. I think one of the challenges for me was that there were quite a few characters that I had some trouble recalling exactly who was who, and how they were related to each other. I also knew I had to accept the premise of these important documents about the war, but it was hard to understand exactly why they mattered so much since the war was over, so the sort of … desperation everyone had to get a hold of them didn’t make tons of sense to me, but I have a feeling I just misunderstood or didn’t catch the part where it was explained.

As usual, there were a few twists in the book, but unfortunately one of the main one’s I had figured out very early on in the book. Probably just a lucky guess, but when it was eventually revealed, instead of feeling like ‘oooh, go me, I figured it out,’ I felt a bit disappointed. Not what one hopes for in a book. I did, however, enjoy the language. Most of the books I read are at most 20 years old, but this book was written over a century ago, so it’s interesting to hear the word choice and the style of speaking.

This was Christie’s second ever book, so I can see why it might not be one I enjoyed as much as others, but it was still worth the read.



January 2025



We’ll Prescribe You a Cat by Syou Ishida, Translated by E. Madison Shimoda

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4 Stars

Best for:
Cat lovers. Those who enjoy a slightly melancholy, but also hopeful, look at everyday life.

In a nutshell:
Five individuals seek assistance from a mysterious clinic.

Worth quoting:

Why I chose it:
My sister gave it to me for Christmas. She knows me well.

I read most of this book in one sitting – where I am, 2 January is also a holiday, and I enjoyed the return of sunny weather by sitting indoors devouring this sweet book.

The book is broken down into five stories, featuring six cats and five humans who are in need of some help in their lives. One hates his job and says he wants to know how he can just get on with it as he needs the work. Another is a sexist man who feels diminished at work and in his home. The third is a woman who is dismissive of her young child’s concerns. The fourth is a woman who runs her own company and is tired of being the only one who does everything the ‘right’ way. Finally, the last is a woman who has lost her own cat.

Each person finds their way to the clinic via recommendation, but not directly – it’s always a friend of a friend’s cousin or someone they run into at work who recommends the clinic. And the prescription is always the same – a cat, for a week or two. And the cats do help – but perhaps not in the expected ways.

Two days ago I celebrated the 13th anniversary of ‘gotcha’ day of our two rescue kittens. We moved them across the world with us, and they are the center of so much joy (the cuddles! The playfulness despite their age!) and frustration (the puke! The multiple visits to the vet each year!). They’ve been in my life for nearly a third of it, and it’s wild to even imagine them not being here. I love when a book like this can capture how important cats can be in the lives of their caretakers.



January 2025



My Story by Lewis Hamilton

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2 Stars

Best for:
I cannot imagine anyone other than a new Lewis Hamilton fan finding this book interesting.

In a nutshell:
Lewis Hamilton shares his journey to Formula One, ending at the end of his very first season as a Formula 1 driver (so 1985-2007, essentially).

Worth quoting:
“But I do not want to be the Tiger Woods of motor racing – just being the Lewis Hamilton of motor racing will be cool enough for me.”

“It is mostly mental energy that you are losing; you must try not to empty ‘the bottle’ of your own energy to keep everyone else happy.”

Why I chose it:
This was my partner’s Christmas gift to me this year (we always just do a gift for the home, and then exchange one book on Christmas Eve) because I have somewhat recently gotten into F1, and my favorite driver is Hamilton.

It is unfortunate to start out with such a critical review for 2025, but I am still happy I read this book because I did learn some things about Hamilton. For those of you who aren’t aware, Lewis Hamilton is the 7-time World Driver Champion of Formula 1 (and should have been an 8-time champion, but that’s a whole other story). He’s also the only Black driver out of 20 on the grid, and the only Black driver in the history of the sport (out of 805 drivers). He’s outspoken about a lot of issues such as racism and LGBTQ+ rights. Of course, he’s also (now) a multi-millionaire.

Like a lot of folks, I came to know F1 via Drive to Survive, a documentary on Netflix. But I didn’t learn about the series until maybe its third or fourth season, and I didn’t start actually watching F1 in real earnest and following it until I think 2023, when we realized our Now TV subscription included live coverage of all the race weekends. Now, my partner and I are all in. As an early birthday present my partner gave me the giant LEGO Mercedes F1 car, which took awhile to build and is, frankly, so cool. We spend race weekends watching practice, qualifying, and of course the race. When my sister and her partner were visiting over the summer, we basically forced them to watch the British Grand Prix, which was especially amazing as Hamilton won it. I play football (soccer) on Sundays, so often I’ll miss the race and will come back to the changing rooms to see a play by play series of text messages so I still can experience it. And yes, I’m aware of the negatives of F1 – the sportswashing, the politics, the money.

With all that as preamble, this was the perfect book to get for me in theory, but unfortunately it is not a well-written book. I think the responsibility for this lies with the editors and the ghostwriter employed to tell Hamilton’s story, because it reads basically like a bunch of interviews strung together and edited only to remove any sense of drama from it. Hamilton was 22 at the time it was written, and he is not a writer. I’ve mostly only read sport autobiographies written by women (Megan Rapinoe, Hope Solo, Abbie Wambach, Caster Semenya) – but whether those were ghost-written or not, they were definitely better than this one. I even wondered if it was perhaps a young adult or even child’s edition but no, it seems to be just the standard copy that was printed.

The book follows a linear time line after the introductory chapter, and gets into Hamilton’s young life and how he got into karting and then professional driving. There are interesting parts about his young life, his education, and his relationship with his family, given his parents divorced when he was so young. He credits his father with so much of his own success, but there are a lot of allusions to how hard his father was on him.

Because I wasn’t watching F1 during Hamilton’s start, I didn’t know much of anything that happened during his rookie year (like, th fact that he nearly won the World Driver Championship that year!), and that section of the book flowed a bit better. He covers most of the races, and addresses the ‘Ferrari issue’, which I didn’t know about and had to look up online before it was explained. I also wonder how Hamilton feels about some of the things he shares now that many more years have passed – talking about how cool it was to meet P Diddy (yikes), and giving over a paragraph to how much he enjoyed being on a talk show with David Cameron and how he wasn’t really into politics (double yikes). But also, like, what 39 year old would look back at every decision he made at 22 and think ‘yep, totally nailed it’? Certainly not me…

So far I’ve read two F1 books, and neither has really been great. I’m not sure if its the quality of the (ghost) writers, or if folks just haven’t figured out how to write a compelling motor sport book, but I think a biography would probably be more interesting to read than this memoir, at least while Hamilton is still a driver. If he decides to write a complete memoir after he retires, I will certainly read that, though hopefully he’ll work with a better ghostwriter and team.



December 2024



My Year in Books 2024

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Another successful Cannonball Read – 52 books this year.

I read quite a few mystery / thrillers, which was fun. I also relied more on audio books than usual and I think that genre lends itself well to the audio format. I do want to try to get back to more physical books this year, as I have loads of non-fiction books on my shelves begging to be read. And, as you’ll see with the graphics below, I left the Amazon-run GoodReads for the independent StoryGraph. So far I’m still getting used to it but I’m happy I made the switch.

I read books by Authors from ten nations: Australia, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, the UK, and the USA. Most of the books I read were written by white authors, so that’s something to work on for next year. I did read books by Asian, Black, and Indigenous authors as well. I also only read books by two trans or non-binary authors – again, something to focus on for next year. The vast majority of the books I read were written by cis women.

I was also apparently quite the busy reader in the autumn. I think that’s when I realized I was behind my reading goal. Not sure what happened in October…

I only rated five of the books I read this year as five star, and two of those were more visual books. My two favorites of the year are probably The Measure by Nikki Erlick, and Night Watching by Tracey Sierra. My two least favorites were I am a Hitman by Anonymous, and Women Without Kids by Ruby Warrington.

I’m in the middle of three books at the moment, which I hope to finish up this week. Given the weather where I am right now, I won’t be spending a lot of time outdoors any time soon, so perfect to get a head start on my goals for 2025, which include completing another Cannonball read.



December 2024



Butter by Asako Yuzuki

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3 Stars

Best for:
People looking for a very long book to sink their teeth into; people who enjoy romantic descriptions of meals.

In a nutshell:
Journalist Rika is after an interview with Manako Kajii, who is about to undergo a retrial after being convicted of murder three former boyfriends. When she finally gets a meeting with Manako, her life takes a turn.

Worth quoting:
“A far more important question, she had come to understand, was how to enjoy this time to the fullest.”

(talking about someone being concerned that someone else had put on weight: “Being that upset about what happens to somebody else’s body! How can someone be so conscious of what shape another person takes, of the extent to which they’ve liberated their desires? It’s not normal to feel such anxiety about that. If you’re paying more attention to the form other people are assuming than what’s taking place inside yourself, it means something is seriously wrong with you.”

“It’s like we’re all being controlled, so that when you come across a person who’s shaken off that control you feel irritated.”

Why I chose it:
It looks so interesting, and I usually shy away from longer novels and so wanted to try this one out.

I am ambivalent about this book because I think it sets out to accomplish a lot of things and ends up watering down nearly all of them. The book deals with so many themes – the celebration and worship of high-profile criminals, patriarchy in Japan, work/life balance, romantic desires and their shaping by society, friendships, food culture. Yes, books can have many interlacing and related storylines, but this book felt a bit like a slog to get through, and I’m still not entirely sure how much of what was included was necessary. Is it a book exploring the Japanese desire for women to be extremely thin? Is it a thriller trying to determine if the convicted criminal did indeed commit the crime? Is it about a woman determining what she wants for her own life? I think yes, and I think it’s maybe a bit too much in one place.

I can’t speak to how much is accurate about Japanese culture, in terms of that particular flavor of patriarchy, but there were certain themes that did resonate with me. The idea that women need to be thin to be desirable is one that translates over to US and UK cultures, and reminded me of a discussion going on right now about semi-glutides (Ozempic et al). Lots of folks seem to be judgmental about the use of them to lose weight (similar to critics of bariatric surgery’s) primarily because they see it as ‘cheating.’ Because it isn’t actually about women being thin; it’s about women being obedient. Not eating ‘too much,’ exercising the ‘right’ way, eating the ‘right’ foods. If they get thin just by taking a shot every month, they aren’t conforming in the right way.

The obsession with the convicted woman that kicks off the plot of the book is another one that feels relateable – true crime is such a huge market for podcasts and documentaries and films these days. There are people who look at criminals and see someone irredeemable, someone who isn’t complex, someone evil. There are others who are interested in how the person got to the point of committing those crimes because they find it fascinating. And there are those who either believe in the innocence of the person, or believe they aren’t responsible for their actions. Rika – the journalist from whose perspective the story is told – is a journalist interested in the back story of this woman partially because she seems so uninterested in fitting society’s expectations of women. At least … initially.

There was a lot I found interesting about this book, and my assumption is that the author would say it was all necessary to the story she was trying to tell, but there were parts that felt a bit … too much. I’m not going to get into spoilers here, but there were a lot of stories that even though they were explored, I felt like we only scratched the surface on them. Maybe that was the point? Maybe that’s a sign of quality writing – that the author got me to care about the different stories even without more information. But also I found myself annoyed, especially at the ending. There is complexity here, and there isn’t necessarily an obvious conclusion (at least to me) of the primary storyline involving the convicted murdered, so perhaps that’s partly why I’m kind of meh on things?

As I say, I am truly ambivalent about this book. It might be a fantastic piece of literature, or it might not be.

What’s next for this book:
Probably donate it.