ASK Musings

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Daily Archive: 19/01/2025



January 2025



Silo Series 2

Written by , Posted in Reviews

Spoilers ahead.






Silo series one was so intriguing to me that I bought the entire Wool trilogy. After reading the first book, I was kind of ‘meh’ on it all. My partner, however, has read the whole thing now. He did not enjoy the second book much, and apparently that’s going to be the focus of series three, if the set-up at the end of series two is to be trusted.

Series two ended this week, and it definitely had a few twists that even as someone who read the first book I either forgot or didn’t see coming. They also have made some big changes to the show, which I think will only benefit the viewer, as the source material can definitely be improved upon.

It appears opinion on the season is split; many folks enjoyed the Silo 18 / rebellion storyline; others were more interested in the Juliette/Solo storyline, and all seem to agree there wasn’t enough of their preferred subject. I fall in the latter category; I found the exploration of the other Silo much more interesting than the rebellion. Probably because rebellion stories are common in pop culture, but the psychology around being alone in such a cavernous place for decades is not one that I’ve found looked into often.

Sure, there are the Lord of the Flies-esque shows and books, but this felt different. Solo having to raise himself and projecting such a child-like persona (Steve Zahn was amazing in the role); other kids having kids themselves, and resenting having to care for the other young survivor. What would that world be like? And then to finally have access to all sorts of things one didn’t know existed – so many books, art, science, music.

I think the final episode did nail the landing of a bit of an uneven season – hopefully it won’t be nearly as long until the next season comes out.