ASK Musings

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Author Archive



March 2025



The Last to Vanish by Megan Miranda

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4 Stars

Best for:
Fans of claustrophobic mysteries with possibly unreliable narrators and reasonable twists.

In a nutshell:
Abby works at in a town where seven people have gone missing in four separate incidents over the years. The sibling of the latest to disappear has arrived at the Inn where she works, and he has questions.

Worth quoting:
Nothing stood out.

Why I chose it:
When I was visiting my parents last month, my mother recommended this as something I’d like.

This was an interesting mystery. It had that small town feel that I enjoy in mysteries – much like the Icelandic books I’ve read, where everything takes place in one town, and where everyone knows everyone else’s business.

Abby works at the inn owned by her now-deceased uncle and his wife. She’s been there for ten years, so not a local. She arrived right around when someone went missing – the fifth, after a group of four guys went missing over a decade earlier. The town is right at the edge of the Appalachian trail, so the assumption is that everyone who has gone missing met their end from a fall on the trail.

But four months ago, a reporter came to town, looking into the six disappearances. Then he went missing, and now his brother has shown up at the inn, wanting answers.

The author does a great job of holding back information without it being silly once it is revealed – nothing is truly out of the blue. She also plays around a bit with the narrator – is she reliable, is she telling us everything she knows? The author also creates a very specific feeling with the town and its inhabitants – how some people can never be considered a ‘local’ no matter how long they live there, how people can close ranks to protect their own, how some are always suspicious of others.

I enjoyed this one enough to seek out other books by the author – just downloaded one to read this week.



March 2025



Orbital by Samantha Harvey

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Four Stars

Best for:
Anyone wanting a beautiful bit of writing that isn’t about a plot so much as a feeling.

In a nutshell:
A day in the life of four astronauts and two cosmonauts as they orbit the earth 16 times.

Worth quoting:
“We find out about our own unspecialness and in a flush of innocence we feel quite glad – if we’re not special then we might not be alone.”

“We think we’re the wind, but we’re just the leaf.”

Why I chose it:
This was a birthday present from my partner, who clearly knows me well.

Like many people, occasionally I’ll have a moment where I think about the vastness of space and how I don’t understand it. It nearly takes my breath away when I really contemplate it. At the same time, I would love to spend a few days in space, to view Earth and the cosmos from high above.

This book isn’t plot driven – at the risk of spoiling it, there is not unexpected incident putting the six space travelers at risk. We learn a bit about each of their lives – one has just lost her mother (and will in fact miss her funeral while up in space), others have partners, children. What motivated them to want to be sealed in a tiny can circling the Earth sixteen times each day. How they feel now that they are in space. And that is a bit part of the book.

But most of the book is about Earth – what is going on, how humans relate to each other on it, how it appears from above, how it fits into the universe. The writing is beautiful but not overly flowery. It invokes a mood – for me it was a mixture of calmness, overall peace, and also curiosity. It’s a fairly short novel, but it’s clear why it won the Booker Prize in 2024. I would recommend it to anyone looking for something a bit different.



March 2025



Mickey 17

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2 Stars

I think I don’t ‘get’ a lot of popular satire. Like, I walked out of Book of Mormon at the intermission. It didn’t seem clever, or insightful – it just seemed like a way for some people to be mean and racist under the guise of satire. And most people I’ve mentioned this to just say ‘huh, I really enjoyed it’ and then we move on.

I thought Parasite and Snowpiercer, both by Bong Joon-ho, were fantastic. They were interesting glimpses into different ways of looking at class (one hyper-dramatic, another much more insidious) While not the same, I do feel like part of the reason I dislike Mikey 17 so much is because it claims to be satire, and I just … I just don’t get it. I am not alone in this opinion, at least. But it is still a bummer, as we really only go out to the movies maybe twice a year at this point.

The main issues I had, beside the fact that the film was WAY too long, is that it was so on the nose that it felt almost childish. Like, a kids’ film about the perils of cults and capitalism, but only adults are allowed to see it. The Mark Ruffalo and Toni Colette characters were so on the nose it seemed a bit like a quick improv scene in a college theatre class, where one doesn’t have loads of time to prepare and so just goes for the very obvious laughs. Especially Ruffalo’s Trump/Musk hybrid person. Also, the Creepers (the alien life) were the victims of some pretty brutal cruelty, which felt a bit like watching cats be tortured, and I’m not so much interested in seeing that in the movies I choose to watch.

Overall, I thought Robert Pattinson’s acting was fantastic, and some of the moments were interesting. There was just so much more potential there, but it seemed like any time there was an opportunity to explore an interesting discussion about ethics, politics, capitalism, relationships, religion, etc., the filmmakers decided to just cut to a different scene.



February 2025



An Unfortunate Christmas Murder by Hannah Hendy

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Three Stars

Best for:
Fans of ‘cozy’ mysteries; those who enjoyed the first in the series.

In a nutshell:
During rehearsals for the annual Christmas play, a member of staff is killed in a freak accident. Or was it an accident?

Worth quoting:

Why I chose it:
I’m traveling (which means no cat photos with the books, sadly) and don’t have the brain power to focus on most books. This is keeping me company as I fly, and on my runs.

I love a series like this where the characters’ personalities are able to develop across the books. In a series that focuses just on one detective I don’t get as much in terms of character. Many of the folks from the first book appear in this one, of course with a few new ones.

This is considered a ‘cozy’ mystery in that there’s some humor, and a lot of character, but it is a bit odd how … violent the initial crime is. A women is crushed to death when a bunch of lighting from a stage crashes down upon her. And loads of people witness it, but don’t seem to be super traumatized, which I do find a bit odd That’s a brutal death.

Aside from that, the rest of the book focuses on trying to determine who killed Mrs. Large, and why. There is inter-school intrigue, a missing dog, and possibly stolen intellectual property. And the ending is fairly satisfying.

I’ve already borrowed the next two books in the series because I need all the light reading I can get right now.



February 2025



The Outrun

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Last night we watched The Outrun, which is based on a memoir of the same name. The main character Rona is an alcoholic who was living in London but returns to the Orkney Islands, which are just north of the Scottish mainland.

This is cinematically a gorgeous film. Scotland is a stunning country, and the Orkney islands look amazing. Austin and I both talked about how we could see ourselves living somewhere remote at least some of the year, though I’m guessing that’s a problem for the remote areas (folks who come in and leave as they desire, instead of staying and really digging in with the community).

Saoirse Ronan plays the main character and does a fantastic job. The film skips back and forth (mostly just across one year, though we do get glimpses of her childhood). It explores what addiction does to relationships, but also looks at what it does to the person who is addicted. It explores religion, mental health, and community.

It’s hard to watch at times, and I probably won’t watch it again, but I think it was worth watching for sure.



February 2025



9-1-1 Lone Star

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So, I am a sucker for a medical-adjacent TV show. I still watch Grey’s Anatomy, I binged Chicago Med earlier this year. Loved ER when it was on, and I enjoyed the original 9-1-1. This one, a sort of spin-off, was set in Austin, Texas, and mostly followed the firefighters and paramedics at one station, though there was the obligatory copaganda in the form of a cop who then joined the Texas Rangers (which as an organization I just cannot take seriously).

The series just gone was the final series, had twelve episodes, and definitely pole-vaulted over the shark. There was the predictable storyline where one person was worried they had a certain disease, another person went with them for testing in solidarity, and lo and behold, the latter person ACTUALLY had that disease. There were near-death hallucinations where a person’s dead partner was in the room having a chat. There was — no joke — an imminent asteroid that ended up partially hitting a nuclear reactor, which led to a near-meltdown.

It was A LOT.

It was fine though, and there are parts of the series that I thought were very cool, if not exactly perfectly done. There was a Muslim firefighter who wore a hijab (in a previous season, at one fire scene her hijab came off, and the squad gathered around to cover her so no one would see until she was able to put something else on, which was cool). There was a couple where the guy was way shorter than the woman (look, it’s not a big thing, but how often do you really see that in media?). There was a dreamer in danger of deportation. There was a trans man firefighter. There were gay men. There were straight white Christian dudes too. They had a mix of society and that was nice to see.

I’m usually a completionist with TV shows, so I was always going to see this one through, and the series finale was both outlandish but also tied everything up. I appreciated that – they knew the show was ending, so they could write and resolve all the big storylines.



February 2025




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I’ve be trying to write a review of every piece of media I watch this year for the first time. I rewatch a lot things (I’m pretty sure I’ve watched the entirety of The Good Place at least a dozen times), so luckily this isn’t a super taxing task I’ve set out for myself.

Last week I finished watching both seasons of Shrinking. Now, the fact that I hadn’t watched it before is shocking – Jason Segel is an actor who I have enjoyed watching for years.

Jessica Williams is fantastic and hilarious.

And Harrison Ford is … Harrison Ford. I mean, legend. But I watched the first two episodes when the first season came out and it was awkward and super sad. Which makes sense, right? The premise is that Segel’s character Jimmy lost his wife in a car accident a year ago, and he has not handled it well at all. His daughter Alice was 16 at the time, and his neighbor basically had to step in to help raise her while Jimmy spiraled.

Also, Jimmy is a therapist.

Season 1 Nbc GIF by The Good Place

The first couple of episodes show how much he has fucked up as a dad, and also how unconventional (unethical, probably illegal as well) his approach has become. I found it to be a big bummer, and couldn’t get into it, so it sat with S1E3 showing up whenever we signed into AppleTV+ to watch something else. Then a couple of weeks I decided that I’ve heard so much raving about the show that I should give it another chance, and from that episode I basically watched it whenever I had free time.

It’s fantastic.

I know, I’m not breaking any ground here with that opinion but holy shit. The writing. The character development. Sure, there are some plot holes (the aforementioned ‘unconventional’ therapy approach that someone would report at some point), but I’m fine overlooking those to see how these people develop. They aren’t cruel (well, except for Liz, but that’s her whole vibe and it works for her), but they are complex and have emotions and make mistakes but also care deeply about their friends and family. Jimmy, from about episode three onward, really starts to try to make things better for his daughter and for himself. He moves forward, he makes mistakes, he backtracks. He’s all over the place, but generally moving in the healthier direction.

And because the show is on a streaming service, they can speak in a way that sounds natural (to me, someone who cusses a lot). I always find it so odd on TV shows when people go through something really terrifying or traumatic or sad and their response is say ‘oh no’ or something similar. But on this show? Fuck, shit, bitch, etc. All used naturally and in a way that makes sense to the situation they’re in, at least to me.

I feel lucky that I got to watch the first two seasons basically over the course of a week, because I got to see so much development so quickly. I just loved it.

Harrison Ford is SO GOOD in this. Just fantastic, playing an old man who has Parkinson’s and is having to accept that his life is changing. Just brilliant acting and writing. And Jessica Williams, especially getting more of her own storylines in season two, is excellent. Her comedic timing is phenomenal.

So go watch it, kay?



February 2025



The Dinner Lady Detectives by Hannah Hendy

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Three Stars

Best for:
Those looking for a bit of a cozy mystery.

In a nutshell:
Margery and Clementine are a couple who work together as dinner ladies at the local school. The kitchen manager is found dead in a walk-in freezer, and while everyone else writes it off as an accident, Margery and Clementine aren’t so sure…

Worth quoting:

Why I chose it:
I like the idea of a sort of simple, cozy little mystery, and it was available from my library.

I had no idea what to expect from this book but I was mostly pleasantly surprised, though I do have some issues with the characters.

As I said above, the book focuses on Margery and Clementine, a couple who have been together for 30 years, and who work together doing the same job at a local school. After their work colleague dies, they decide to look into it further, and find themselves in all sorts of hijinks and silly situations, while also being a bit at risk. No one takes them seriously – not the police, nor other staff at the school, and this does seem to be a bit of a commentary both on how certain jobs are not respected (along with the holders of those jobs), as well as how middle-aged women are generally invisible.

The plot is fine; there are twists and I guess one could see some of them coming but others are sort of out of nowhere, which I found a bit annoying. I was also frustrated by how cruel pretty much every character is to their work colleagues. So much teasing, unpleasantness, and just generally meanness. I’m not a fan of that in general, and it was running throughout this book.

I did, however, enjoy the detail author Hendy put into developing Margery and Clementine. They have such specific ways of going through life, and such a set routine, it’s believable that it would have developed over so many years being together. Some of it feels a bit absurd, but it also works for them, and they are clearly in a loving relationship, so that was nice.

This is apparently the first in a serious of five books – I’m sure I’ll read the rest as they become available from the library.



February 2025



Juror #2

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Last night my partner and I watched Juror #2. The premise is the character played by Nicholas Hoult (Justin) is selected to sit on a jury, and during the course of the case realizes that he may actually have been the one who cause the death. Wild, right?

He has a pregnant wife at home, and we learn he has a history with alcoholism. Much of the film takes place in the jury room, and apparently has a “12 Angry Men” vibe (I’ve shockingly not seen that but my partner mentioned it a couple of times). Spoilers below.

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One thing I did like about this film was that Justin does seek counsel from an attorney pretty much right away. I feel like with another writer he would just sort of wander his way through and hope for the best. Now, the news he gets from the lawyer isn’t great, so he doesn’t actually do anything about it, but still.

The courtroom case as presented, however, is pretty weak, and I can’t tell if it’s meant to be an indictment of the justice system in that it’s so clearly obvious there isn’t nearly enough evidence to charge, let alone convict the accused, or if it’s just really lazy writing. Like obviously they aren’t going to show days of testimony in a two hour film, but the medical examiner only being asked like two questions? The defense not presenting any sort of alternate theory other than ‘my guy didn’t do it’? Wild.

Another thing I hated is that Justin doesn’t confide in his wife. COME ON. Like, tell her the truth, tell her why the attorney doesn’t think he should turn himself in. Talk through options. Make this really fucking important life decision together.

The aspect I did like was how the whole situation fucked with the prosecutor (played by Toni Colette). She’s a week away from an election where she’s running for the district attorney position, and she slowly accepts that she might have it wrong. It’s wild that she didn’t realize this sooner, but whatever.

Some of the acting was also a bit over the top – some of the jurors (actually, pretty much all of them) feel very one dimensional, and almost like caricatures of humans.

Even more spoilers below.

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The originally accused man is convicted. So then we have a scene between the prosecutor and Justin where he lays out that the prosecutor changing her approach will hurt everyone – Justin is someone who has come around and fully changed from four years ago, he has a brand new daughter, the convicted man was someone who has contributed to criminal actions in society, and the (now DA) herself will be shown as ineffective. And I like that she’s wrestling with this conundrum, and also that as the film ends, it’s not 100% clear what will happen next. Usually I find that annoying, but I think it worked here.

I like the overall themes of the film – the justice system doesn’t work for anyone, acting certain about guilt or innocence doesn’t work without actual evidence, and what is the point of the justice system itself?

I’m not going to watch this again, but I think it’s a completely fine film.



February 2025



The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins

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One Star

Best for:
No one. Seriously. The concept – the very very basic, simple, concept, is something I think many people could find helpful. But the other 299 pages of this 300 page book don’t make up for it.

In a nutshell:
Professional self-help writer Mel Robbins claims to have discovered a concept that her daughter is responsible for specifically (and that various philosophical and religious groups have been pitching for centuries) and then spends a lot of time providing some okay and some awful examples of how to incorporate it into life.

Worth quoting:
“Adults are allowed to think whatever they want to think. So are you.”

Why I chose it:
I find it challenging to let people do their own thing when I (nearly always mistakenly) think it is affecting me. Or, I let it stress me when it doesn’t need to. I saw this book mentioned on TikTok and thought I’d check it out. Oh how I wish I’d done more research.

I haven’t felt such a negative visceral reaction since I read Cinderella’s Lost Diary as part of Cannonball Read 5 (my review seems to have been lost to the ages, which is probably for the best, as I think the author found it and was less than pleased). This is the type of book that I assume the great pod cast “If Books Could Kill” might take a crack at. It’s something Oprah recommends. And it’s written by someone who I now know has made her living as a sort of motivational speaker, and has previously written another pop psychology / vaguely therapy-speak book (the 5-4-3-2-1 theory, which I gather is just … count to five and then do things?) that was apparently wildly popular.

Look, I didn’t know, okay?

I should have stopped after the introduction, which Robbins calls “My Story,” and which is all about how she was in debt and unemployed and managed to claw her way out. By page three she’s basically discounting the entire concept of community support. By the end she’s talking about all the companies that have invited her to speak to them – very few of which are ones I’d be keen to brag about.

This book is full of phrases like ‘I was willing to do what most people won’t’ and ‘is supported by scientific research’ and ‘proven method’ yet contains not a single footnote. There is a bibliography, but it’s not connected to any of the claims she makes throughout the book. I probably wrote and underlined ‘citation needed’ dozens of times throughout, because even if what she was saying was supported by evidence, I couldn’t know because she refused to do the basic courtesy of provided proper citations. Ugh.

What absolutely defies belief is that the author didn’t even come up with the concept at a basic level – her daughter did. Robbins tells the story about being controlling during the lead up to her son’s prom, and her daughter tell her to just let them be. Repeatedly. And this is some epiphany for Robbins, which, fine, I get that, but then multiple times during the rest of the book she talks about how she discovered the Let Them theory. What? No she didn’t. I mean, aside from the fact that it’s a concept that’s been around forever, she literally told us that it was her daughter who told her about it. Come on.

A frustrating thing about this book for me is that the very basic underlying concept is sound in some circumstances, and something I definitely needed to be reminded of. When people are doing things interpersonally that I cannot control, I really need to just let them. I can have conversations about the behaviors that I’m finding frustrating, but I need to not let it be the thing that stresses me out or frustrates me to the extent that it is beyond my control. But the book is so bad that I had to keep reminding myself that there were some nuggets of usefulness in there.

The theory does sort of suck when it comes to actions other people take that negatively impact the world. Like, I’m not just cool with ‘letting them’ take away all the rights and protections for people who are not white, or male, or straight, or cis, for example (the ‘them’ in this instance being the US republican party). But I think the author would say that is where the ‘let me’ part of things comes in. Let them try to do shitty things, let me fight back. I guess? I don’t know. I think the theory really does fall apart outside of pretty straightforward interpersonal interactions, but even then it’s not great because she says things like ‘maybe you’ve let comments from your family ruin an entire holiday together’ – like, what comments? Are you thinking one should just ignore it when someone is racist or sexist or homophobic?

The author also seems very interested in the concept of ‘personal responsibility,’ which for me is just another way to say pull ones’ self up by one’s bootstraps. It ignores the reality in which we live, and pretends that just by not taking it personally when people are shitty, and focusing on one’s self, people can overcome anything, including hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.

At this point in the review I’ve only gotten about 1/6 of the way through the book, and I’ve just turned the page to where she has an epigraph. You know, that quote from someone wiser than one’s self that authors will sometimes put in books? Robbins quotes … herself for her epigraphs. I mean, bold but also I’m already reading her words in the rest of the book, could she not maybe quote someone else if she was going to have epigraphs?

As a writer, Robbins is not good. The book uses some outdated ableist language throughout, and also is often a collection of words that don’t really say anything. I know, that’s a lot of what the self-help genre is, but good grief. It is bad here. She also has a warped sense of reality, as she repeatedly uses leaving a job as an example of something anyone can do. Like, what? People can definitely be trapped in jobs because they, you know, need the money to live. What world is she living in? I’m so confused. She also actually typed out the words ‘winning the game of life,’ which is a completed out of pocket idea. It’s not a game, and one can’t ‘win’ it. The hell?

She also uses the theory to sort of … excuse away manipulative behavior that others have employed on her? She talks about Frame of Reference (not sure why it’s capitalized), which I think it sort of like trying to understand other perspectives, which I’m all for, but then her conclusions are often ‘oh, they just care about you and you should understand their perspective,’ instead of recognizing that some perspectives are harmful.

The chapter on friendship and making new friends wasn’t the worst, though it seemed a bit shoehorned into the book – like trying to get this one neat trick to be applicable to all of life’s challenges. It isn’t.

But the absolute grossest chapters are the ones where Robbins tries to teach us how to manipulate the people we care about, and uses a gross example where Robbins equates weight with health and just repeatedly sympathizes with a wife who wants her husband to lose weight. It’s just awful overall, but what I found strangest was that in this example, her suggestion might work, but it doesn’t really work in other instances. Her idea is basically model the behavior you want to see. If you work out a bunch, and show you’re happy, then your husband will want to be happy like you too. Yay! Except, I mean, no. And also, what if the thing you hope will change is not something you can model? Like, if I’m worried a person needs to, say, quit their job because it is unhealthy, if I’m not in an unhealthy job, I can’t quit mine to show them how good it can be. And presumably they already see I’m working a healthy job and that hasn’t ‘motivated’ them to quit their job. I don’t know, it feels really gross and manipulative and creepy.

She also has this ABC loop that for all I can tell is just meant to help you have difficult conversations by purposefully making the other person feel bad. Like, she literally says the point is to ‘create discomfort that they feel internally.’ That is manipulative, that’s mean, and that seems actively dangerous. She also equates money with power, and recommends using money to control people. I’m sure she’d disagree, but her chapter called ‘how to provide support the right way’ really reads as putting conditions on love and support, and that’s so, so gross.

I mostly skimmed the chapters on how to find love because they seemed pretty boilerplate (I think one could get the same from the movie ‘He’s Just Not That Into You,), but I was struggling to finish this book because I really wanted to review it and also to be done with it, so it’s possible I missed some other really not good advice in there, too.

This is probably the longest review I’ve written in while, so if you stuck with me, thank you!

Now Let Me never read anything by this author again.