ASK Musings

No matter where you go, there you are.



March 2007



I love LA, but I love NYC more

Written by , Posted in Adventures

I was lucky enough to spend Wed-Sun in the sunny southern California region, thanks to work. Wed-Fri was a conference; I got to stay and hang out with friends the rest of the weekend. I saw my wonderful former roommate Lindsay, who I’ve known since before I could form complete sentences, and we got caught up. She’s a friend with whom things just always fall right back in to place. In fact, as I parked my rental car she was driving up, and within maybe five seconds we were bickering about something (not in a bad way, just joking). Who else besides old friends and siblings can get away with that?

On Saturday after brunch at a Hollywood-type place (with really yummy fruit bowls), I took off for Ventura. Sunny, sandy Ventura, where my former coworker Ariel and her family live. She gave birth a year ago to a premie who had some real problems, but the baby is just fine now, and I finally got to meet her!

Also fun? Driving. With my music playing. Loudly.

However, despite the loads of “pretty” people and sunshine, I can’t say I would really want to move back. Santa Monica would be the only place I’d want to live, but even that seems a little . . . eh.

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