Starting the week
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in Adventures
Monday marked the start of my first full week here in London. Each day has involved some manner of shopping (primarily for goods for my new home, like dishes or a toaster) and a visit to campus. Monday I registered for the National Health Service and joined some hall mates on Brick Lane for curry. It wasn’t the best, but it was cheap-ish, and the servers offered one free drink and a free coffee for LSE students. We seem to get discounts all over the place.
Yesterday was the general post-grad orientation. It was quick and relatively painless. Last night was The Graduate, a welcome dancing/drinking party at the three clubs on campus. Yes, that’s right. There are clubs on campus. One is more of a sports-bar-type place, one is a straight up dance floor and another is more appropriate for live music. I didn’t discover the other two until I’d spent too much time on the live music section. But there was much dancing, and a lot of fun meeting new people.
Today I met up with someone who I met at orientation yesterday and we went to the student club fair. I signed up for a few, including the celtic society (shocking), drama, philosophy and humanist. Could be interesting.
Tomorrow I finally meet with my department. I’m quite excited to get going on this whole studying thing.
Good to see that you’re getting all settled in and learning your way around. Love the pictures from the park a few entries back. Thinking of you!!!