ASK Musings

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December 2024



The Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie

Written by , Posted in Reviews

4 Stars

Best for:
Those looking for a quick, satisfying read.

In a nutshell:
Leonard is accused of killing an elderly woman, Emily. He believes his wife will serve as his alibi. Will she?

Worth quoting:
“Everything has something to hide, something they would do anything to protect.”

Why I chose it:
I enjoyed “The Unexpected Guest,” and have been checking out what is available of Christie’s at my local library.

I listened to this, and it was read by Christie’s grandson. Cool idea, but his delivery left something to be desired.

This short story quickly explores the ideas of who we believe and why, and as it has a fantastic final line that sums things and leaves the reader saying, essentially, ‘oh shit.’

Leonard Vole has befriended an older woman, Emily. We don’t quite understand why – but we do learn she is wealthy. However, Leonard is married. When he is charged with murdering Emily, his attorney Mayhew is interested in the truth, and determines that he needs to help Leonard because Leonard is not guilty. Leonard’s wife is his alibi, but when Mayhew goes to interview her, things take a turn.

This was a short, simple, and surprising story. I’d heard about it and was expecting more, but at the same time it was an interesting way to tell such a short story. It’s only in a couple of locations, there are not that many characters, and when it was over, I thought ‘oh! Well done!’

What’s next for this book:
I’d love to see the play.

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