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June 2017



What I’m Reading – June 25, 2017

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Horrific Legislation and Executive Action

“Doctors and reproductive health advocates are saying the GOP’s Senate health care bill looks like a big step backward. On Thursday, the bill was released to the public after a secretive deliberation process, and the Senate is expected to cast a vote on it next week. Here are the four key ways this bill could undermine the health of American women.” Once again, 13 men wrote a bill that’s bad for women’s health (by Julia Belluz for Vox)

Criminal Punishment System

““I don’t understand why they got to kill everybody,” said Tonya Isabell, 54, Lyles’ biological cousin, but whom everyone present called “auntie.” Cousin Robin Cockerherm said Lyles was “78 pounds wet. They could have pushed her aside like this,” swiping the air with her palm. The police shooting of an African-American woman [Charleena Lyles] appears bound to raise particular questions for a department that is operating under a consent decree with the U.S. Department of Justice over its use of what a federal investigation found to be excessive amounts of force. The same investigation also found indications of biased policing, although it reached no firm conclusions on that score.” Seattle police shoot black woman; tensions run high (by David Kroman for Crosscut)

Ijeoma Oluo with questions on the shooting of Charleena Lyles Ijeoma Oluo

Fight Back

“The Commerce Department removed language from its annual equal opportunity statement barring discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity Thursday, prompting a protest from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender activists. In response, department officials restored the contested language on Friday.” Commerce Department cuts LGBT protections — then restores them-in equal opportunity policy statement (by Juliet Eilperin for Washington Post)

“While some claim targets for the inclusion of underrepresented groups lead to the promotion of individuals that do not deserve it, economists at the London School of Economics found that the reverse is true. Quotas can work to weed out incompetent men.” Workplace gender quotas weed out incompetent men and make businesses more efficient, study finds (by Ben Chapman for Independent)


“When people have talked about this issue in the past, they have focused on how, with the club’s vast resources and worldwide profile, a United team would help develop the women’s game. That is still true, but it now works the other way too – United are missing out on an easy way of engaging with their huge female fanbase, in Manchester and further afield, and promoting the importance of women in the make-up of their club. A women’s team would do all of that. The game is growing fast and other clubs have demonstrated they believe it is a big commercial asset, at very little cost. Why do United think differently?” Women’s Sport Week 2017: ‘Shocking’ that Man Utd do not have women’s team (by Rachel Brown-Finnis for BBC)


“As the woman grew more and more irate at the lack of white doctors, other people in the waiting room intervened. “Your child clearly has more issues with you being his mother than him needing to see a doctor,” said one woman. “You are extremely rude and racist.”” This Canadian Woman Demanded That A “White Doctor” Treat Her Son (by Ishmael N. Daro for Buzzfeed)

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