ASK Musings

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Monthly Archive: February 2023



February 2023



Miracles of Our Own Making by Liz Williams

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Three Stars

Best for:
Pagans interested in some of the history of the beliefs and practice.

In a nutshell:
Author Williams provides a multi-century overview of the beliefs, practices, groups, and secret societies that are associated with paganism in the UK.

Worth quoting:
“It is always worth your while to ask two questions: ‘how do we know?’ and ‘who said this first?’”

Why I chose it:
I find spiritual practices and belief systems outside the big three Abrahamic faiths to be quite interesting.

What it left me feeling:

I was raised vaguely Christian (like, my mom went to a church on Christmas and Easter until I was maybe six). I had a VERY Christian phase in 8th and 9th grade, but by college and after I was leaning more agnostic, with a brief exploration of paganism in the form of Wicca.

As I get older, I think that I’m getting a bit less rigid in some of my beliefs (though more rigid in others lol). Like, I don’t think I’ve ever seriously defined myself as atheist, because I can’t know. And it’s sort of arrogant to assume I do, or even can. But I find nature, and the power of nature, to be calming and inspiring, and so when I think about spirituality and religion, I think of that, and I’m more open to the ideas around it.

Which brings me to why I picked up this book. I was in a fairly tiny bookshop and this jumped out at me. I don’t know much of the history of different forms of paganism, and thought this would be an interesting bit of reading. And the first half was, but the second half, I don’t know, I found it hard to follow. It feels like it it would have worked better as an encyclopedia – each chapter, in the back half, has a lot of sub-headings of different groups or belief systems, and while Williams makes a solid effort to connect all of these things, it doesn’t totally work for me.

One thing Williams’s research makes clear is that there isn’t really a straight line or unbroken connection between ancient pagan belief systems and current paganism, despite what some claim. Modern practices draw from a lot, but Williams argues that they pull from what spoke to them. They aren’t partaking in something that’s been unchanged for centuries. I suppose that matters to some people, but I don’t know. I think one can learn a lot from a variety of beliefs and practices, and can put together something that feels right to oneself.

Recommend to a Friend / Keep / Donate it / Toss it:
Keep for reference



February 2023



Queer Icons and Their Cats by Alison Nastasi and PJ Nastasi

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Three Stars

Best for:
People looking for a niche book that will each them a little bit a bout a bunch of queer folks, and also has pictures of cats.

In a nutshell:
The title pretty much sums it up.

Worth quoting:

Why I chose it:
My partner read it, and it looked pretty adorable. Also, cats!

What it left me feeling:
Vaguely disappointed

This is a tiny little coffee table-style book. It’s only about 100 pages and maybe 45 people are featured. There’s a photo of the person with a cat, and then a brief biography about the person. It’s pretty straightforward, however …

It’s not actually about people and THEIR cats. I’d say a good half of these folks just happened to be photographed with a cat once, or maybe adopted a cat at some point. Only a few of the feature people are like Freddy Mercury, who were definitely very much into their cats. That’s fine – the point is really to learn about the individuals, not their cats, but the book title seems to be a bit misleading.

That aside, I did enjoy learning about lots of queer folks who I was not familiar with, ranging across the past hundred years or so. Some people (like Mercury) are ones most people know about, but there were also older authors and overall queer pioneers that I’d never heard of. So that was cool.

Recommend to a Friend / Keep / Donate it / Toss it:
Keep – because again, cats!



February 2023



The Comfort Book by Matt Haig

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Four Stars

Best for:
Anyone who is looking for a bit of encouragement in a non-self-help format.

In a nutshell:
Through dozens of tiny chapters (many no longer than a paragraph long), author Haig offers reflections on life for the reader to take comfort in.

Worth quoting:
I underlined so many phrases in this book, so this section could be miles long.

“Don’t drain yourself trying to be understood by people who insist on not understanding you.”

Why I chose it:
I think I was looking for a little bit of comfort and some inspiration.

What it left me feeling:

What a lovely little book. In the hands of a less talented writer it could have felt overly … sappy? Meaningless? Shallow? A book full of paragraph-long chapters could come across as a gimmick, but this doesn’t. It comes across as the writings of someone who has felt profound sadness and depression as well as happiness and joy.

I get the feeling from reading Haig’s books that he just wants other humans to feel like they are enough. That there is life out there and in here for all of us, and we don’t need to spend our time focused on things we don’t need, or relationships that aren’t good for us. We don’t need to lose weight, or have children, or get a promotion to have value. That life is for living and enjoying, and that we have no way of knowing the future, so we need to find ways to live with and even value the uncertainty.

I struggle with things I cannot control (like, you know, pretty much everything, right?). Uncertainty, the unknown, the unplanned – these are not things that I thrive on. But reading, in many different ways, ideas for how to think about the unknown, the uncertainty is indeed comforting.

This book is going up on my shelf, and I will be taking it down whenever need a reminder that I am enough.

Recommend to a Friend / Keep / Donate it / Toss it:
Recommend and keep



February 2023



Why Marx Was Right by Terry Eagleton

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Three Stars

Best for:
People who are already VERY familiar with Marx’s work and are looking for an outside opinion on how to defend different aspects of it.

In a nutshell:
Author Eagleton looks at what he believes are common arguments uses against Marxism and refutes them.

Worth quoting:
“Only through others can we come into our own.”

Why I chose it:
I thought it would be an interesting and easier to read way to learn more about Marx’s thoughts and writing. (Spoiler alert: it wasn’t, at least not for me.)

What it left me feeling:

I might have been led slightly astray by the pull quotes from reviews on the cover of the copy I purchased. ‘Irresistibly Lively and Thought-Provoking.’ ‘Short, Witty, and Highly Accessible.’ I think this is probably true (except the short part – a 250 page book is not short. It’s not long, but it’s not short), but the caveat should be on there somewhere that those only apply to readers who are already very well acquainted with the writing, theory, and discussion of Marx and Marxism. This is not a book where one LEARNS about Marxism. This is a book where one thinks more about it in relation to other areas of thought.

It is an easy read, in that the author is a decent writer. However, after reading the first half of the book very carefully, I ended up just skimming the latter half because I knew what was coming, and I knew it wasn’t going to be what I was looking for. Each chapter starts with what I think is a flaw in the set-up of the book: instead of pulling real quotes at the start to highlight the arguments opposing Marxism that he’s about to refute, he just has a sort of paragraph where he paraphrases the complaints. I think I get why he made that choice, but it doesn’t work nearly as well as real-world examples. It leaves Eagleton too open to complaints of strawmen.

In the chapters I read closely, a lot of Eagleton’s arguments seemed to boil down to this: Capitalists might make a claim about Marxism, but even if the claim is true, it’s also probably true of Capitalism. Or, because Marx (notoriously) doesn’t really talk about the details of what his version of society would look like, it’s easy to impose outside opinions on it in a negative way, and that’s not fair.

But here’s the thing – these arguments all sounds fine to me, but I don’t know enough about Marx to know if Eagleton’s commentary is accurate. Now, this is going to be an issue with pretty much all non-fiction books, right? We rely on the author to be something of an expert in their field, to have thought through and researched. When I read a Mary Roach book, I don’t just accept everything at face value, but generally I assume that her interpretation of the facts is generally accurate.

But with things like political philosophy, for me it gets much murkier. What values is the author bringing into the discussion? Are they the same as my values? What have they chosen to leave out that would change the entire discussion? Without some of my own first-hand reading of the text, this type of book isn’t really going to work. When I was in grad school for philosophy, yes, I definitely needed to read articles by contemporary writers that discussed Aristotle, but I also needed to read Aristotle myself, so I could come into the discussions with some first-hand understanding. And I think that in the same way, before I (or others) read works like this, we need to read the original arguments first.

Now, is that the author’s fault? Probably not, and that’s why this is a three star and not a two star rating for me.

Recommend to a Friend / Keep / Donate it / Toss it:
Keep and maybe revisit later



February 2023



Finding Me by Viola Davis

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Five Stars

Best for:
Those familiar with Davis’s work. Those interested in a serious discussion of the challenges a Black woman faces.

In a nutshell:
Actor Viola Davis

Worth quoting:
“Forgiveness is giving up all hope of a different past.”

Why I chose it:
I heard people talking about it so I purchased the audio book (I do love a celebrity memoir read by the author). Then she won the Grammy for the performance of it so I decided it was time to start it.

What it left me feeling:
Happy (for the author)

Before this book I didn’t know much about Viola Davis. I’ve seen some of her work – Doubt, The Help, How to Get Away With Murder – but I didn’t know how she chose this career, or what her life was like.

This is a memoir that feels deeply honest, written by someone who has done the work to sort through experiences that hopefully most readers can only imagine. Living in poverty, having an abusive parent, facing racism, sexism. And managing to find a way to be successful and happy working in an industry that is notoriously racist and sexist.

Davis’s childhood was rough. Like, rough in a way that I can’t quite fully comprehend. The fact that society just … allows living conditions like the one her family experienced. And that’s not a commentary on her parents – that’s a commentary on social support and safety nets. If food stamps only last half the month, that’s better than nothing but it’s also not nearly enough. No adults, let along children, should be fending off rats. The fact that she not only survived that childhood but is a functional, thriving adult? I mean, damn.

Another area that I wasn’t really expecting was Davis’s experience at Julliard and the how the gatekeepers of talent perpetuate the systems of oppression. People associate Julliard with training some of the most talented people in the arts, but Davis shared how that training promoted and perpetuated white ideals of what talent and art are. I’m not surprised to learn this, but I am disappointed.

I appreciated Davis’s transparency around being a working actor, and the ideas about ‘integrity’ and what types of roles people take. She breaks down how few people are able to make enough money to get the good health care in SAG – I think it’s 4%? – and the threshold for that is earning $20,000 a year. Imagine. 4% of all actors on TV and in film making that much. She is clearly someone who desperately loves her art and her craft, and takes it very seriously, but also seems to recognize that work is work, and very few people can afford to be choosy.

After listening to the audio book, I can see why she won the Grammy (completing the EGOT, and for performances only for the first time in many years). I’d recommend if you’re thinking of reading this to choose the audio version.

Recommend to a Friend / Keep / Donate it / Toss it:
Recommend to a Friend.



February 2023



Why Is This A Question by Paul Anthony Jones

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Four Stars

Best for:
Those interested in learning more about language (mostly English, but other languages as well).

In a nutshell:
Author Jones looks to answer 20 different questions about language.

Worth quoting:
“No matter what we say or how we say it, communication is fundamentally a demand for a person’s time, attention, effort, interest, knowledge and cooperation.”

Why I chose it:
I enjoy books like this.

What it left me feeling:

Jones pulls off something that I think is a bit tricky: he’s written a fun book about language that is easy to read but also include a lot of interesting trivia and in depth history. In the hands of a different writer this might have been a challenge to read – it could have been too dense, or pulled out information that just wasn’t as interesting. But Jones has found a way to pick the right examples to explain things, and also to pick questions that I did indeed want to know the answers to.

The answers to each of the questions is a chapter long, with some just eight or nine pages, while others are over 20. The first four are the longest, as they tackle what is a word, what is a language, where do languages come from, and where do words come from. After that, it’s a bit more trivia focused, with questions like why does the ‘i’ have a dot, and why is the alphabet in ABC order, though by the end it returns to more philosophical and scientific questions, like how do we read and how do we speak.

I found myself occasionally interrupting my partner to share things I’d learned in the book. Like, for example, there’s a language in Australia (Guugu Yimithirr) that doesn’t use words for right and left; everything is direction based. So a speaker of that language would say ‘hand me the book that’s west of the lamp,’ instead of saying ‘hand me the book that’s to the right of the lamp.’ This then wires their brain to know where they are relative to north and south for the rest of their lives. Fascinating.

I think my favorite question from a trivia perspective was what is the hardest language to learn, because it looked at so many different ways different languages do their things. But all the chapters offered things I had never learned before. I think this might be a cool book to get someone who is thinking about studying language, as a sort of starter kit.

Recommend to a Friend / Keep / Donate it / Toss it:



February 2023



The Bullet That Missed by Richard Osman

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Four Stars

Best for:
Those who enjoy a clever, complicated mystery.

In a nutshell:
Those diamonds from the last book? Someone else wants them back. Also, the group looks into the ten-year-old unsolved murder of a journalist.

Worth quoting:
N/A (Audio book)

Why I chose it:
I enjoy the series.

What it left me feeling:

Another winner from author Osman. I was intrigued, guessed a little bit but not the rest, and found that any twists made absolute sense and were not out of left field.

Spoilers for the previous two books and some for this one as well.

I like how the author weaves characters from previous books into the story. It’s as though I’m reading multiple installments of the same TV show, as opposed to a procedural like Law and Order. Because it isn’t just the Thursday Murder Club who is the focus of this book – though they are – but also people who have appeared in previous books. Connie plays a pivotal role while she awaits trial; Bogdan is still around from the first book, and I bet that some people from this one will feature in the next book in the series.

The mystery itself was an interesting one that did keep me guessing but also trying to figure things out. Each revelation was greeted with me thinking ‘oh, that’s clever’ but also ‘oh, that makes sense.’ There weren’t any loose ends, either, which I appreciate.

I’m also continuing to enjoy the development of the older characters. Elizabeth was getting on my nerves during the last book, but not so much this time. The description of her husband Stephen and his continued experience of dementia really struck a nerve as well. Just a reminder that the characters in these books are obviously not real, but are dealing with very real situations along with the more fantastical elements.

I was lucky to get to race through these three books in a matter of weeks, but that means I’ve now got a Thursday Murder Club-shaped void to fill. It looks like the fourth installment will be out this fall, so I’ll need to come up with something else in the meantime.

Recommend to a Friend / Keep / Donate it / Toss it:



February 2023



The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman

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Four Stars

Best for:
Those who enjoyed the first book.

In a nutshell:
Elizabeth’s ex-husband — also a former spy — is in a safe house, accused of having stolen diamonds from a criminal he’s investigating. Then, he and his handler are killed, and the diamonds are nowhere to be found. Also, Ibrahim has been mugged.

Worth quoting:
N/A (Audio book)

Why I chose it:
I loved the first one.

What it left me feeling:

So, you don’t NEED to have read the first book to enjoy this one, but I think it helps because the characters are so well built out there. Plus, this book takes place only six weeks after the ending of the first book. These folks have had a busy few months!

This book followed a fairly similar formula to the first one – some chapters are standard narrator perspective, some are Joyce’s journal entries. There are twists and turns and unexpected situations. There are also deeper story lines, like how Ibrahim handles being mugged, and how the situation fills him with fear after he’s finally gotten comfortable being out in the world. Or the storyline related to Joyce making bracelets to raise money for a dementia charity, knowing Elizabeth’s husband has dementia.

I figured out one small part of it before the characters did, which I appreciate. I’m not a fan where the twists are so out there that the reader could never guess at them. I also enjoyed that there continued to be character development, and we learned more about the main people. They have lives and hobbies and sadness and joy. They aren’t just murder-solving automatons.

Obviously I’ll be getting book three this weekend.

Recommend to a Friend / Keep / Donate it / Toss it: