Landmarks and Architecture
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in Adventures
Today as I finished my run, I came up over the hill in Prospect Park to visit the Grand Army Plaza farmers’ (farmer’s?) market. The view was stunning, as the arch is really quite large, and the fountain on the plaza was turned on. I’ve never noticed the fountain, and the view from my particular angle was lovely.
On my walk to the train I also for the first time noticed a building with some great architecture. It’s the type of building that is often found in my neighborhood, but today it just stood out. It probably doesn’t hurt that the sun is shining, it is warm but not hot, and many people appear to have left town for the weekend. I have, however, found some of them – they’re here with me on the deck (terrace? patio?) behind 3 World Financial Center. There are boats moored, and in the distance I can see a cruise ship docked somewhere (Staten Island?), and an unobstructed view of the Statue of Liberty, which both reminds me of visiting Ellis Island with my folks and creates in me a string urge to rewatch Ghostbusters II. Unfortunately it is time to move from my great shady location, as there are some rather loud people nearby. And not steady loud – quiet follow by bursts of LOUD. Like a horn on a side street at 3 am on a Tuesday.