ASK Musings

No matter where you go, there you are.



February 2018



02 02 2018 Foyles (Again!)

Written by , Posted in Bookshops

I’m back again. But this time, I’ve brought Austin, because he needs to see this place. We’ve just had dinner with our friends Jason and Kelly, who had already had a trip to London scheduled before we decided to move here, so this has been a delight. Tonight they’ve got tickets to Harry Potter, so after a decent pub dinner we part ways.

Austin is as in awe as I am, and takes the same photo of the message on the wall as I did two days ago. It’s 7:30 on a Friday evening but the place is pretty full.

We make our way up to the top, winding through each section. We marvel at the detail of some of the sections. I think my favorite may just be “Contemporary Writing.” Basically it’s just a lot of non-fiction and essays that I would seek out on my own. Fantastic!

Even though I’ve literally just been here, I still manage to pick up two books: one on the politics of geography (I hope to finally figure out why Russia is interested in the Ukraine), and one on living my life as I want.

I won’t document every time I revisit a bookshop, but returning so soon and bringing Austin strikes me as worth mentioning. We sign up for the loyalty program, because of course. We will be back.

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