31 01 2018 Foyles
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in Bookshops
Foyles. Ah, Foyles. I’ve heard of this shop, but never actually been, at least not that I can recall. How I’ve never been here is a bit of a mystery. I guess because I hadn’t jumped back into my love of books last time I lived here, but damn. I’ve been missing out.
Although it is not nearly as large, something about this shop reminds me of Powell’s in Portland, Oregon. Maybe it’s how bright it is, or how it feels labyrinthine (even though the layout is pretty straightforward). Or perhaps its because I know I could spend days in this shop and leave with my arms full of all the books.
I mean, how perfect is this?
I need to get back home relatively quickly, so I don’t spent as much time here as I want. As is usually the case, I spend most of my time in the non-fiction section and finally pick up a book that’s been catching my eye for a year or so.
Who knows if this will be helpful. But I’m here in London, with no job, and the opportunity to figure out what it is I actually want to do with my professional life. Do I want to write? What does that look like? Or do I need a job in an office with a regular schedule? Is there something that involves both?
Maybe I can find a job that will allow me to prevent people from loudly speaking on mobile phones in cafes and buses (PLEASE SHUT UP, LADY SITTING NEXT TO ME IN THE CAFE).
I doubt this book is going to be what makes me finally figure it all out, but who knows. It might help.