ASK Musings

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April 2017



All in Good Taste by Kate Spade New York

Written by , Posted in What I'm Reading

2 Stars

Best for: I’d have thought me, seeing as I love etiquette and entertaining books. So … not sure.

In a nutshell: Large format, colorful etiquette and entertaining book.

Line that sticks with me: N/A

Why I chose it: I collect etiquette books. I even started my own version of an advice column (in website form). I like making things look pretty. And this book looked like fun.

Review: It wasn’t. I suppose a book written by a brand is probably not going to be the best.

I mean, it isn’t horrible. But it’s hard to read. There are pages full of quotes (as in, two pages with maybe ten words spread across it to pad the book). There are pages with random vignettes from people who I assume I should have heard of, talking about how they entertain. There are recipes. There are suggestions for games – some of which sound kind of fun. There are decor recommendations.

It just wasn’t that fun to read. I only found myself making note of a couple of the suggestions, which is not like me. I don’t know. Maybe I wasn’t in the mood, or maybe it wasn’t a great book. Probably a little of column a, a little of column b.

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