ASK Musings

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January 2023



My 2022 Year In Books

Written by , Posted in Reviews

A quick wrap-up as we go into 2023 –

My four five-star books for 2022 are:

Feminist City
This Book Will Make You Kinder
Project Hail Mary
The World Record Book of Racist Stories

I read 56 books this year, and rated 55 of them. Of those, three were only two stars for me, 20 were three stars, 28 were four stars, and four were five stars.

Where I could determine the demographics, I read the following:

  • 37 books by women and 18 books by men
  • 42 books by white authors (yikes), 6 by Asian authors, 4 by Black authors, and 1 by a Latinx author
  • I read books by authors from a dozen countries, the most being from the USA (21) and the UK (18)

I read 12 fiction and 44 non-fiction books. The most common genre for me by far was memoir, having read 13 of those this year, followed closely by 12 sociology books. I listened to quite a few audiobooks while running, mostly the memoirs.

My goal for 2023 is to double cannonball again (read 104 books) and tackle some of the dozens of books in my to-be-read pile.

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