ASK Musings

No matter where you go, there you are.



June 2009



Seattle – Day 2

Written by , Posted in Adventures

Sunday was a great day. Jamie and Mike picked me up in West Seattle, and we went up to Phinney Ridge to hang out. Jesse is about 3 1/2 months old and super cute. She’s very smiley and happy, athough there was a bit of a meltdown near the end of the afternoon.

We went and visited some chickens, and some newborn baby goats. Jesse really couldn’t have cared less, but us adults though it was pretty damn sweet.

Kevan cooked a great dinner for a few of us back in West Seattle – my first real grilling of the summer season. Mmm. Corn. Then I headed out for BBQ number two up in Bothell, and Jeremy’s place. I only knew Jeremy, Dave and Gene, but the rest of his friends were really nice, which was great. It can be a little odd to mix groups of friends together, but everyone was fun and made good conversation. The moon was full and crazy gorgeous over the lake, so we spent as much time outside as we could, despite the chill. I wasn’t about to drive back after a couple of drinks, so I crashed at J’s and drove home around 6:30 this morning. After about three hours of sleep, I’m now back off to Phinney Ridge for more quality Jamie/Jesse/Mike time!

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