Spring Break Part III – Seattle and San Juan (the island, not the city in Puerto Rico)
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in Adventures
I flew into Seattle via Denver on the 8th, and had a very nice and easy time of it. If you fly United I recommend changing in Denver, especially if you come in via an international flight. The baggage claim / re-check is rather convenient and stress-free.
I spent the first two evenings with my friends who kind enough to take me in when I move at the end of the summer, and I brought with me a suitcase full of my winter clothes to leave with them. Friday Renee and I did what we seem to do best when I visit: shop! We also had lunch with her mother, and then finished the day with some Beatles Rock Band (or Guitar Hero?) and dinner with Megan.
Saturday I got to see baby Jesse and oh man, she has grown quickly. I realize that’s what kids do, but it was amazing to see. It was also great to spend time with Jamie and Mike, as we strolled around Greenlake, went to a local waffle house and enjoyed the beautiful weekend weather. Sunday evening I met up with a couple of friends from college, then headed up to visit Reagan.
She took me to San Juan Island as a belated birthday present. Such a great adventure! We drove up to the ferry, and took it across over to Friday Harbor. We stayed in a beautiful place overlooking the harbor, patronized a local Mexican restaurant and rented a DVD (the Illusionist) and just relaxed. Tuesday we got up early and drove around the island. We started at the American Camp, which was set up to deal with the Pig War conflict of 1859. We were the only ones hiking around, and the views were phenomenal. We spotted a fox, but possibly the best was a rock that was in honor of one Robert, best known for Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedure. Reagan and I are complete dorks, as that was a major high point of the trip. We made our way up the coast to a park where we could see the tails of some porpoises. It was peaceful and very cool, and I think at one point we could even hear them ‘talking’ to one another. Finally we headed up to the British Camp, then back to Seattle.
Wednesday Jamie, Jesse, Mike and I went to the Tulip Festival. It was an early bloom, so there were not many fields, except at Tulip Town. We also visited an Alpaca farm, which was awesome. Seriously, alpacas kick ass. They are so adorable.
Thursday I made my way to the airport, when part four of my adventure continued …