That was fun. No, seriously. It was.
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in Random
I was going to post something long and mawkish about turning 30. Instead I thought I’d do what I do best … create a list!
My 20s
I lived in nine different apartments, in four different cities in two countries.
I attended six weddings.
I held two full-time jobs, four part time jobs, and four internships.
I had two serious relationships and a gaggle of interesting dating experiences (Ah, the football game. Even after nine years, that one still smarts.)
I visited Europe three times (and then moved there)
I attended three different institutes of higher education.
I ran four half-marathons.
I cannot complain. I’ve been having a lot of fun, and I don’t imagine that will change when I wake up tomorrow morning. I have really great friends, and that’s been the best part of the last decade.
Well, that and a metabolism that works. I hear that stops at the stroke of midnight. Ah, well, can’t have it all.
I’m happy to have shared one of those apartments with you, and been the bride in two of those weddings 🙂 I’m especially glad that the second wedding worked out so much better, and that you were a special part of that day!