What I’m Reading – June 11, 2017
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in What I'm Reading
Horrific Executive and Legislative Action
“When Shin Song Hyuk was 3 years old, an American couple in Detroit adopted him and moved him from South Korea to the United States. His new family changed his name to Adam, but they didn’t fill out the forms guaranteeing citizenship for international adoptees. This meant Adam was in effect an undocumented immigrant.” 41-year-old adoptee deported after 37 years in the U.S. (by Jay Caspian King for Vice News)
“It wasn’t long before the dregs of society—Fox News readers—came for Taylor, proving that they are exactly the vile, violent, white supremacist cowards that the Democratic leadership is sill trying to woo for the midterm elections and beyond. These are the people who don’t care that Trump is a white supremacist representing the White Nationalist Party in everything but name, because they, too, hate black and brown people.” Princeton Professor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor Cancels Public Appearances Amid Fox News-Fueled Death Threats (by Kirsten West Savali for The Root)
“The Quinault Indian Nation, headquartered in a tiny community of 840 on the edge of the Olympic Peninsula in Western Washington, has been reeling in the wake of what witnesses have described as a deliberate hit-and-run over the weekend that killed Smith-Kramer and injured his friend, Harvey Anderson, 19. Smith-Kramer, a father of two-year-old twins, had been celebrating his birthday at a Grays Harbor County campgrounds when the driver, who had been doing donuts in the parking lot, backed over him. Anderson told KING 5 that the driver hit reverse after the friends asked the driver to stop doing donuts, and Smith-Kramer tried to save Anderson by pushing him out of the way.” 20-Year-Old Quinault Father Killed by Hit-and-Run Was a “Basketball Hero,” Respected by Youth and Elders Alike (by Sydney Brownstone for The Stranger)
“But I won’t be watching the NFL this year. I can’t, in good conscience, support this league, with many of its pro-Trump owners, as it blacklists my friend and brother Colin Kaepernick for taking a silent, peaceful stance against injustice and police brutality in America. It’s disgusting and has absolutely nothing to do with football and everything to do with penalizing a brilliant young man for the principled stance he took last season.” KING: I’m boycotting the NFL because of its blatant bigotry and anti-blackness (by Shaun King for The Daily News)
“But Maher has a long history of racist, sexist, and grossly bigoted public comments. The audience, like Sasse, reacted with instant glee to the “joke” because it’s exactly what they expect from the Real Time host. He’s deeply Islamophobic. He once asked a Pakistani-British member of a popular boy band where he was during the Boston Bombing. He routinely denigrates the Quran, Muslims, and Islam—occasionally under the guise of a joke, but often in outright statements of naked bigotry.” Bill Maher has been a public racist for a long time. Here are the receipts. (by Emily Q. Hazzard for Think Progress)