What I’m Reading – March 20 2013
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in What I'm Reading
It’s the first day of spring! Does it feel like it where you are?
In ‘disgusting abuse of power / xenophobia’ news: Judge Who Took Away Immigrant’s Baby Said Lack Of English Would Cause ‘Developmental’ Problems (h/t @irevolt)
People in California show up to fight fracking: PHOTOS: Thousands Turn Up For California’s Largest-Ever Rally To Ban Fracking (via @ThinkProgress)
Mistreatment of sex workers: ‘I Have a Right to My Own Body’: How Project ROSE Tries to ‘Save’ Sex Workers (via @melissagira)
Councilmember Sawant offers options for small businesses to address $15/hour minimum wage: Sawant talks a friendly path for small businesses as March for $15 finishes on Capitol Hill (via @jseattle)
Great post about the non-technical folks at tech start-ups: The Myth of the Non-Technical Startup Employee (h/t @agoodcuppa)
For all those (ignorant or sexist or both) asshats who claim the wage gap is because women just don’t negotiate: Negotiating While Female: Sometimes It Does Hurt to Ask (h/t @JessicaValenti)
Neil deGrasse Tyson is performing an amazing public service with Cosmos. I saw him speak once, and it’s still one of the coolest evenings of my life: Science Deniers Are Freaking Out About “Cosmos” (via @MotherJones)