What I’m Reading – March 29, 2014
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in What I'm Reading
I’m travelling for the next few days; currently I’m visiting my sister Tampa. This afternoon we were treated to a ridiculously intense thunderstorm.
– Good reminder of how “Lean In” so often misses opportunities to really help women: Hey Sheryl: Lean On This (h/t @angryblacklady)
– Remember the vet injured in the Occupy Oakland protests? He’s settled with the city: Iraq War Veteran Scott Olsen Reaches $4.5M Settlement in Occupy Oakland Bean Bag Case (h/t @allisonkilkenny)
– Promising talk from last week’s GDC: Mass Effect developer makes emotional plea to eliminate social injustice in games (h/t @angryblacklady)
– Infuriating. There is a problem with how we allocate funds to public schools (and I don’t think charter schools are the answer to that): Mom Jailed for Enrolling Kids in School Tells Her Story in New Book, Film
– If true, this is disturbing: Scientists Condemn New FDA Study Saying BPA Is Safe: “It Borders on Scientific Misconduct” (via @MotherJones)
– As usual, Dave Zirin is on point with the R*dskins discussion: About That Open Letter Dan Snyder Just Sent to ‘Redskins Nation’ (via @DaveZirin)
– ARG: Arkansas Mother Thrown In Jail For Breastfeeding While Drinking A Beer (h/t @scATX)
– This is pretty serious concern I have, especially as it is happening where I live: Washington State Case Study: A Difficult Miscarriage Made Worse by Hospital’s Religious Restrictions on Care (h/t @AIsForOrg)
– Some of you may have seen the #CancelColbert discussion. Here is more on that: We Want To #CancelColbert (via @Suey_Park)
– Wait, what? U Of Alabama Sororites Win Right To Ban Blacks (h/t @maniacwrangler)
– And finally, we wrap up with a nice bit from Anita Sarkeesan reminding us that “ironic” sexism and racism is often an excuse to get to be sexist and racist.