What I’m Reading – November 2, 2014
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in What I'm Reading
– “The colleague upbraided him for violating a citizen’s privacy, contacted a commanding officer, and arranged for Harrington’s arrest on felony charges. I kid, of course. The colleague actually complained that the photo wasn’t more explicit.” California Can’t Police Its Own Cops Stealing Nude Photos of Women (h/t @conor64)
– “Duncan’s relatives say they also sought to have him sent to Emory University, one of the specialized hospitals. Duncan’s medical records suggest he was still strong enough several days into his hospitalization to walk around his room, sip Sprite and watch an action movie.” Could more have been done for Thomas Eric Duncan? (via @AP)
– “Even some of the seemingly boilerplate language used to describe Duncan was fraught with accusatory rhetoric. He was the man who, we read everywhere, “brought Ebola to America.” There is an insinuation of intentionality, one that is embedded in the very grammar of the phrase. And his identity was thereby changed from a man who suffers from a disease to the potential infector of an entire nation.” Why are some Ebola patients portrayed as criminals, others as heroes? (via @slate)
– “He uses Twitter throughout the day to make note of the details he isn’t likely to remember tomorrow: What he was reading about, what kind of coffee he ordered, who he spoke to. Even the details of his sex life, which he tweets about in Korean to avoid embarrassing over-the-shoulder moments.” This Man Uses Twitter To Augment His Damaged Memory (h/t @RebeccaSkloot)
– “The idea that regret is, in and of itself, a reason to legally constrain women’s actions is conceptually flawed, paternalistic and degrading. It’s grounded in age-old sexist nonsense about women needing choices to be made for us, as unreasonable, feeble-minded creatures who need protection from the dangers we pose to ourselves.” (Hoping that) Women Hurt: regret as a tool of advocacy (h/t @melissagira)
– “For winning this year’s World Cup in Brazil, Germany received more than £21m more than Japan’s women did after they were crowned world champions in 2011.” Men get more prize money than women in 30% of sports (via @BBCsport)
– “That said, I’m pretty understandably confused by how Che gave himself the right to joke about catcalling. I’m confused, and I’m pissed off — because, seriously, how did the impact of that video fly so over his head?” SNL Star Michael Che’s Joke About Street Harassment is Offensive to Every Single Woman & Here’s Why
– “Yeah, well. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if I was harassed, assaulted, if I was flat-out raped, I would not go to the police. Not unless I wore clear scars from it, not unless I was bloodied or scraped. Even then, only if it was a stranger.” Do You Know About Jian (h/t @stavvers)
– “They believed the ex-Nazis’ intelligence value against the Russians outweighed what one official called “moral lapses” in their service to the Third Reich.” In Cold War, U.S. Spy Agencies Used 1,000 Nazis (h/t @mtracey)
– “The suit makes several arguments claiming that “representatives of atheist organizations” should have the same right to solemnize marriages that ordained ministers have.” Minnesota Atheists Sue For Right To Perform Marriages Just Like Ordained Ministers (via @ThinkProgress)
– “5. What’s Your Legacy Going to Be? About the same as yours: nothing. Fifty years after we die, no one will remember us. Be honest: How much do you know about your great-grandparents? Unless you’re famous or infamous, you’ll be nothing more than an entry on Ancestry.com.” 10 Dumb Things People Say When They Find Out I Don’t Have (And Never Want) Children (h/t @nothavingababy)