What I’m Reading – November 9, 2014
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in What I'm Reading
– “The judge brought Arpaio and his Chief Deputy Jerry Sheridan into court after learning that Sheridan told deputies that the federal court order was “absurd” and “ludicrous,” an assessment that Arpaio had agreed with.” Federal Judge Orders Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Undergo Racial Profiling Training (via @ThinkProgress)
– “But Navell happens to be a young black man, a fact that must have something to with what happened next: Newscasters at KSTP, the local ABC affiliate, took the innocuous photo and quickly warped it into an exclusive report accusing Hodges of “posing with a convicted felon while flashing a known gang sign” and thereby instigating violence in their fair city.” Pointergate: This Week’s Most Racist Local News Story (via @MotherJones)
– “A campaign organized by the women’s group Georgette Sand found that products such as shampoo and razors that are advertised as “female” cost more than identical products marketed to men.” France To Investigate ‘The Invisible Women’s Tax’ (via @ThinkProgress)
– “But while the men’s World Cup was played entirely on natural grass, FIFA has decided to stand with the Canadian organizers who have cited weather concerns to justify their turf-only cup.” FIFA Denies Women’s World Cup Players an Equal Playing Field—Literally (via @EdgeofSports)
– “Blackmon is among the more than 7,000 people in North Carolina — many poor, many African-American, many disabled — who were sterilized between 1929 and 1976 in one of the country’s most aggressive eugenics programs.” Payments Start For N.C. Eugenics Victims, But Many Won’t Qualify
Abuse and Harassment
– “Having said all of this, given what Dunham has written, I think she would have been indicated for sexual abuse for the masturbation incident. I don’t think, however, that she is a child sexual abuser in the classic sense, meaning that I don’t think she’d go out and abuse a child today.” Is Lena Dunham a Sexual Abuser? (h/t @AngryBlackLady)
– “I’m more concerned at the moment with Dunham’s decision to publish them, and what that says about her respect for consent and agency right now.” On Lena Dunham and Consent (via @Shakestweetz)
– “These humorous tweets further the conversation on street harassment by showing just how strange it would be if men said these things to other men walking by.” #DudesGreetingDudes Hilariously Proves Catcalling Isn’t ‘Just A Compliment’ (via @HuffingtonPost)
Health Care
– “There are many, many people who are trying to keep something like life going for so many tragically affected people,” Dr. Faden said. “You’d be hard pressed to argue why they might be treated differently.” Treating Those Treating Ebola in Liberia (via @SheriFink)
– “But for me? I have enough shit to do. Why the fuck should some asshole cruise along being a total fucking creepy piece of shit and now I have to change my whole life? And give my NAME to all you internet douchebags and rape apologists? No thank you.” I Didn’t Report Because Fuck You (h/t @JessicaValenti)
Policing and Incarceration
– ” It also expands notions of criminality at a time when the criminal-justice system is regularly committing horrific acts of race- and class-biased violence.” ‘Yes Means Yes’ Is a Bad Coupling of Feminism and the State (h/t @ChiefElk)
– “Rather than spend money on mass incarceration, this proposal will reinvest the savings in education, which will provide youth with an opportunity for a better future and can keep young adults out of jail.” This could start to topple systematic racism. And it starts on Tuesday in California. (via @RachelLive)
– “While men are certainly responsible for their personal behavior, a law against street harassment would, in practice, randomly punish a select few individuals in the name of redressing a vast and systemic problem.” No, We Don’t Need a Law Against Catcalling (h/t @ChiefElk)
– “It’s an aggressively entrenched paradigm that I’ve only recently managed to excise from my own psyche – me, the feminist killjoy shrew – so I really can’t begrudge anyone that initial reaction. But, every time, the subtext is clear: you are reaching above your station, fat lady.” Why I Can’t Wait To Be a Fat Bride (via @TheLindyWest)
– “Fuck first is one of my rules—and it’s not even a rule. It’s a suggestion. I encourage couples to “fuck first” on Valentine’s Day, wedding days, and anniversaries.” Should the Duggar Girls #FuckFirst? (via @FakeDanSavage)
– “Q: How are you going to feel knowing that your womb is a barren wasteland? A: Relieved!” My Fallopian Tubes (h/t @nothavingababy)