What I’m Reading: October 9-17, 2013
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in What I'm Reading
New format – once a week only (and next week will be skipped because VACATION!)
- There’s a movement afoot to “rebrand” feminism, and it’s B.S. If you’re a feminist you’ll be called a man-hater. You don’t need rebranding (via @PennyRed)
- WORD: National No Bra Day and Breast Cancer Awareness Month — OR — Please Put That Pink Can of Soup Down & Put Your Bra Back On
- Please leave trans kids alone. Ugh. Stop the War on Trans Teens (h/t @fakedansavage)
- Neil deGrasse Tyson continues to be one of my favorite people I’ve never met: On the Critique of Science in Film (via@NeilTyson)
- Yup: Don’t Trust ‘Feminists’ Fighting To Keep Sex Work Illegal (h/t @laurenarankin)
- Presented without comment: Who Benefits From the Safety Net
- Reminder that Columbus is definitely NOT someone to celebrate: “Columbus Day”
- This needs to be said repeatedly: Can conversations about women in pop move beyond a binary of agency or exploitation? (h/t @stavvers)
- Listening to women: The disbelieving of women (h/t @schemaly)
- Have you heard of the latest Steubenville? STOP RAPING PLEASE: Horrifying Maryville Rape Case Follows Familiar Pattern. Why Does This Keep Happening? (h/t @RepresentPledge)
- Yup again: An Open Letter to My Fellow White Feminists (via @laurenarankin)
- Interesting take on Teach for America: Why I Stopped Writing Recommendation Letters for Teach for America (h/t @FeministGriote)
- I’m not posting the original article (because it is disgusting), but this is a response that sums it up well: Male Feminism and Rape (h/t @schemaly)
- Pitch the NY Times! Op-Ed and You
And finally … this. This is bringing me joy this week.