New London Flat
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in Adventures
Today was definitely a better day. I got about five hours sleep, and went out for a run pretty early. I then made my way to campus (about a 40 minute walk) and registered. The woman in line ahead of me grew up in the SF Bay Area – small world. I got my ID card, registered for classes and even opened a bank account. Well, I took the first steps anyway – it takes Citibank two weeks to get the info to me. But that’s okay – I’m glad it’s done.
I picked up some more things for the apartment so I could put away my clothes and dry off after a shower. All that I still really need are kitchen things, and my friend Dan (I met him at the LSE cocktail hour the alumni association held in NYC in August for new students), who also lives in this residence hall, suggested a trip to the Ikea. It’d be worth burning a day to get some cheap Ikea kitchen supplies.
Tonight Dan and I met up near campus and got some excellent Korean food near Tottenham Court road. It was my first meal here that wasn’t at a chain restaurant, and it did not disappoint.
Oh, it’s also London Fashion Week(end?) right now. They have this pretty cool set-up at the Sommerset, with wicked blue lighting. I wandered by, but shockingly was not allowed into the tents. I KNOW!
Since I now don’t have to register tomorrow, I plan to sleep in and then maybe catch a movie. Then Kate, Richard and I are to meet up for some sort of activity – hopefully the science museum.
I’ve attached some pictures of the new place. There are a few who will care, which is why I took so many (to give some perspective on the layout).