ASK Musings

No matter where you go, there you are.



January 2008



Viva Las Vegas

Written by , Posted in Adventures

A whirlwind weekend!  Friday night after work I flew out to Vegas to help Kevan Celebrate his 30th birthday. Meg and I shared a room at Paris, which is great – nice location, not too big, with good gambling options. Friday night Kevan and Renee got us a host at the Palms, which meant we got to go right up to Moon and The Playboy Club. It was so fun – the DJ was great, playing a good mix of new and old music. The drinks were comparable to NYC prices, and the crowd had a slight stereotypical Jersey feel. But the six of us danced and drank until about 2:30, then partook of the fabulous french toast back at the hotel. I was shocked that I actually stayed up for 25 hours.

After a VERY late start on Saturday, we hit NY NY to ride the very scary coaster. We made our way up to the Sahara to ride their coaster. The top of the strip – it is depressing. The Stratosphere is nice inside, but outside reminds me of . . . Well, I don’t want to offend any particular city’s residents.

Saturday night (after some lucrative shopping at Caeser’s) we went to Trader Vic’s, where the less than superb service resulted in me tasting meat for the first time in two years. Lobster mashed potatoes are different from Wasabi mashed potatoes. A brief stop at a very entertaining piano bar was enough for me, as I was finally feeling the time change.

Sunday we all had brunch at The Bellagio – it’s a really good buffet. Most had to catch flights on Sunday (yay, government work and holidays off), so Kevan, Renee. and I had the afternoon and evening to explore. We rode the gondolas at the Venetian and ate a very good italian dinner.

I was able to secure a 6th row seat to LOVE, the Beatles Cirque du Soleil show. It was fantastic. Much more intimate than others I have seen, and it had the benefit of a soundtrack we all know. The story was about romantic and platonic love, and the choreography and acrobatics were breathtaking. “Something” was beyond beautiful, and “The Benefit of Mr.Kite” was super intense. It was 90 minutes of pure emotion, mostly joy. I loved it.

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