ASK Musings

No matter where you go, there you are.



June 2010



Well that was lucky

Written by , Posted in Adventures

England 1-1 USA = Win for me

That was some of the most stressful television I’ve watched in I don’t know how long. Living in London, and having a friend who grew up in England and would get us over to the bar in Brooklyn early on a Sunday to watch the Blues play, has led me to love Premiere league football. I love the Blues (Birmingham City, NOT Chelsea), and I’ve enjoyed following the England team this year. The friendly against Egypt was a highlight.

But I’m also an American. And I’d love it if football could get more of a following in the states. If the US does well this year, maybe that would help.

So yeah, this was tough. That first goal by Gerrard knocked the wind out of me. The US team was not strong, and when they had chances it seemed there were two or three blue shirts in a sea of white. 

Then Green … oh man. That hurts. A lot. And yet I was so excited to see the tie up on the screen, because as much as I didn’t want England to lose, I didn’t want them to win, either.

A draw. I know England is upset, but I’m thrilled. Now I can go back to cheering for both teams aggressively.

Come on England!

As a happy aside, I’ve used up all my stress hormones completely, so I’m no longer nervous about my last exam on Monday.

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