What I’m Reading – January 2, 2014
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in What I'm Reading
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let’s see what the world has been up to as the calendar has flipped its page.
I only know about this story because I have relatives who are ASA members (but did not vote either way on this issue). Interesting: Why I voted for an academic boycott of Israel (h/t @raniakhalek)
– So Ani diFranco stepped in it. Hard. She issued one horrible, meandering apology, but then today issued a succinct, and pretty spot-on, additional apology. Ani Difranco’s Righteous Retreat: Please Use Both Hands to Cover Your Ears (h/t @AngryBlackLady)
– Here’s an analysis of why her initial response just made things worse. A list of problems with Ani DiFranco’s statement on slave plantation retreat (h/t @womenactmedia)
– Did not know. Saving Mr. Banks Is a Corporate, Borderline-Sexist Spoonful of Lies
– Women and coding. Stop Telling Women They Just Need to Know How to Code (h/t @AustinKelmore)
– I’m doing this! #365feministselfie – Are You In?
– Excellent. Judge Rules Rick Scott’s Welfare Drug Testing Law Unconstitutional (h/t @laurenarankin)
– Chris Kluwe on why he thinks his time on the Vikings came to an end. I Was An NFL Player Until I Was Fired By Two Cowards And A Bigot
– And Dave Zirin’s quick take on it. Is it Getting Better? Chris Kluwe, Aaron Rodgers and LGBT Rights in Sports (via @EdgeofSports)