ASK Musings

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July 2013



What I’m Reading – July 26 2013

Written by , Posted in What I'm Reading

It’s Friday and I’m hungry so I’m going to make this one short.

– Is the military now using rape as an excuse to discharge people and avoid paying PTSD benefits? Ugh. Congress working to help those wrongly discharged for personality, adjustment disorders

– Apparently it’s hard out here for a pimp … Ex-IMF chief Strauss-Kahn to be tried for pimping

– There’s a boycott of Russian vodka in the gay community related to the new anti-gay laws in Russia. Of Savage and Stoli: Should We Boycott?

– The definition of marriage changing in the dictionaries. Woot! Oxford English Dictionary Definition of Marriage Redefined to Include Same-Sex Couples

– Reminder to white people – it’s really REALLY not always about you. ‘I Guess You Really Ain’t Sh*t, Questlove’

Now go and have a great weekend!

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