What is James Wearing?
Written by Ashley Kelmore, Posted in Random
Please visit this site: http://www.whatisjameswearing.com
Why? See that picture up there? That’s James. And James is . . . well, he’s special. Some might use the term “self-absorbed.” Some might use the term “narcissist.” But James holds a very special place in my heart, because James makes me laugh. I laugh when I think about the pictures he posts of himself in absurdly decorated rooms. I laugh about the way he poses and insists on describing what he’s wearing. And I laugh, somewhat sadly, at his sincerity.
I appreciate sincerity. But at the same time – holy crap, how can one wax so poetically so consistently about the “aquas” in the shirt? It’s – it’s amazing.
What is James Wearing? Usually something hilarious, but I really really really want to know.