ASK Musings

No matter where you go, there you are.

Adventures Archive



August 2015




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We have been having a fantastic week up here in Yosemite. We are staying just south of the park’s gate, and we’ve gone into the valley four times in a week. Austin and I went on a seven mile fairly easy hike the first day, then two days later went back for another 13 miles on the valley loop trail. My feet are destroyed.

Today we went on a four-line zip line tour of the forest, which was gorgeous. And each evening we’ve been playing games, drinking wine and having just a general blast. It’s great to get to see my three year old niece, and my extended family (as in, my in-laws). We head back to Seattle tomorrow, and while it will definitely be sad to say good-bye to folks and this lovely setting, it will also be really nice to get back to Seattle, and the kittens.



July 2015



I am Not on Good Terms with Crash Plan

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A little over two weeks ago, my computer died. The battery was acting up and then the hard drive starting to make a terrifying clicking sound. I got the blue screen of death. When I rebooted it, the screen was black, with the words ‘cannot find operating system’ appeared.

oh shit cat

I wasn’t too concerned, however, because just under a year ago I bought a subscription to Crash Plan. I’m in emergency management, so I was thinking a wireless back-up system would be preferable to an external drive, because if there were an earthquake or a fire, the external drive would be useless (crushed or burned), while a cloud system could be accessed from anywhere.

I subscribed and set up my account, then downloaded the Crash Plan app. Following the site’s instructions, I selected what I wanted to back up, and hit the ‘start back-up’ button. It was late on a Thursday night, but I really wanted to get it done (I get that way), so I stayed up and watched as it backed up all of my files. It took a fair bit of time. When it was done, I selected how often I wanted it to do a back up, and that was it.

proud cat

So, like I said, I was pretty relieved I’d done that, as when I took my computer in, they first thought they could recover the data from the hard drive, but in the end could not. Last night Austin picked up my computer, and we turned it on. The guy at PC Fix had loaded some odd items onto my computer (in addition to the standard things). For example, when I booted up, a gaming software system popped up, complete with his log-in information saved. Yikes. Eventually Austin did a full wipe and reinstalled Windows. In the meantime I went to the website of Crash Plan to follow the instructions to recover all of my data. I downloaded the app again, and signed in, and saw that it had completed a back-up 18 days earlier. Cool. I went to retrieve all of my files and …


oh shit cat 2

Panic. For a brief moment. But Austin talked me down and said he’d figure it out. I took a shower and came back, and he confirmed … yup. No files.


I mentioned Crash Plan on twitter while Austin sent a tech support item. Today, thought multiple back-and-forth conversations, their tech support have tried to convince me that I never hit the ‘start back-up’ button.

bitch please

This is not a matter of me making an error. I’ve done that. It happens and it sucks. But this? This I KNOW, with certainty, I did. I have a vivid memory of it. So my guess is that when that happened, something got fucked up on their end. Which is fine. I mean, a bummer, but fine. I just wish they’d own up to it, and accept that they screwed up. Instead, they offered me a year-long extension on my subscription.


In what world would I extend a subscription with a company that so dramatically screwed the pooch the first time around? Because of them, I now have no tax documents, no dissertation, no cover letters, no work I did for a few of the organizations I volunteer with. No list of places I’ve lived for the next time I apply for a government job. Thankfully most of my pictures from the last few years are online, so those are safe. But I just finished a project scanning and uploading all of the documents I had in paper form, so those are gone. I have no record of any of the service performed on my car. No receipts for items of value for insurance purposes. Shoot, I don’t even have my renter’s insurance policy.


But it’s going to be okay. I’ll find the documents I’ve lost if I really need them (like, say, my tax returns for when we buy a house). I had emailed my book to a couple of people, so that’s not gone. And I learned a couple of lessons.

1. Don’t trust Crash Plan. In fact, don’t trust any online back-up. Once you’ve completed the back-up the first time, check that all of your files are there. Delete a couple that aren’t needed and try to restore them from online. Screen-cap the whole process and save that in your email, just in case. Every week or so, check and make sure it is still doing the back-up properly.

2. Use an external back-up drive. My goal is to secure one that is large enough for important items (probably won’t put photos and music on there, since I can save that to the cloud easily) and then save to it twice a year, and store it in a safety deposit box.

cat on computer

Thanks to Austin, my computer is now mostly back to normal. I’ve got the right OS, I’ve got my Microsoft office, and most of my other programs. I’ve still got some more things to download and sync, but it’s nearly as good as new. I doubt I’ll get any further with figuring out why Crash Plan failed, but that’s okay. I’ve learned my lesson.

And I got to find all sorts of cute pictures of kittens. Everybody wins!




May 2015



The Last Two Weeks a.k.a Why No ‘What I’m Reading’

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On April 27th our landlords called to tell us they want to put their condo (our apartment) on the market. They gave us 60 days, but some incentives to get out earlier. By May 1st we’d found a new apartment, although in a new neighborhood. That day I also rented boxes and booked movers. On May 9th, we moved. On May 10th, we unpacked.

What I’m saying is, it’s been an unexpectedly busy two weeks. Hopefully the weekly wrap-up will be back on Sunday.



March 2015



Revisiting Europe

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This is going to be quick. We decided last fall to do another visit to London and Paris in the spring. I wantedto see my friends, and we both loved Paris when we were last there. We’re now in Paris, having spent four nights in London. One thing that was a reminder for me is that trips to London aren’t really vacations for either of us. For me, they are reunions, full of wanting to see my friends as much as possible. For Austin, it’s a lot of going where I want to do. He likes my friends a lot, but it is more socializing than either of us usually do, and in a condensed time.

Which is why we go to London first. We see friends, get ourselves exhausted, and then can relax on the next leg of our trip. We took the train down this morning, and were greeting by a hail storm. It was actually kind of cool. Our hotel here is LOVELY. Hotel Banke. Check it out. Don’t know what deal we got online, considering how expensive the drinks in the bar are. But the room (we’re on the top floor!) is sweet – not as small as I expected, and with a gorgeous view. After freshening up we decided to seize the sun that had burst from the giant rainclouds and went on a 5 and a quarter mile tour of the city in about three hours. 

Based on a recommendation from the front desk, we had a very French meal – at a large restaurant that has been open for almost 150 years. They were very kind (they had menus in English as well as French), and my steak and frites was delicious.

The only real downside right now is that I have a cold. It’s not nearly as bad as some other colds, but it’s not fun, and I’d rather just be able to keep going without having to stop to take medicine, or blow my nose, or rest. But considering I’m in Paris with the best man I know, I’m still pretty lucky. 

Oh, and I’ve already had macarons. So yeah, this trip is awesome.



October 2014



On My Own (for like three days)

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For the first time since we moved in together three years ago, the Mister is out of town and I am not joining him. I’m very happy for him to have a chance to go to a work event where I’m sure he’ll have a lot of fun.

But I’m more happy for me, because I get the kittens ALL TO MYSELF! Seriously, it’s amazing. Tigger has already crawled into my lap for snuggles. I’ve just ordered a movie on Amazon (a comedy about abortion, which should have just been called ‘Hey, Ashley, You’ll Like This One’), and will soon be enjoying the worst pizza in the country. Only downside is I’ve got some work to do tonight as well.

But that’s okay. Because, as I said before, I get the kittens ALL TO MYSELF.

01 10 Cuddled together




October 2014



Birthday Parties Are Awesome

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My sister-in-law is extremely creative and very talented. She’s the head pastry chef for a great little shop in Santa Barbara, and was the genius behind the cupcakes and truffles and Austin’s and my wedding. She not only knows how to make all kinds of sweet and savory treats, but how to throw a party.

The whole point of our trip down to Santa Barbara was to celebrate our niece’s third birthday. The theme for the party was Cinderella, and Joc went all out. We helped hang thin white fabric and sparkly bits from the deck overhang, set up table and chair, and set out all of her decorations. She did some simple work with ribbons and mason jars, created a great birthday banner, and made these ridiculously detailed Hershey kiss mice. The mice were two kisses glued together bottom to bottom, with tiny mouse ears glued between, a tiny pink tail, and tiny googly eyes. She scattered them across the tables, creating delicious, adorable decorations.

She also made some involved but delicious and clever appetizers. There were cucumber cups with dill cream cheese piped inside, toped with smoked salmon and a slice of tomato. There were dates stuffed with goat cheese and wrapped in basil and prosciutto. There were cheeses and other nibbles, and everything had a label so folks knew what was what. Because the party involved adults and children, there was wine, fruit drinks for the little ones, a table covered with butcher paper and art supplies, pizza, a Cinderella bouncy house (which Austin and I got to try out before the kids arrived), and a Cinderella piñata. There was also an amazing two-layer cake covered in blue fondant and lots of bows, with a Cinderella cake topper. One of the flavors was chocolate with chocolate buttercream, Nutella and pretzels. Our niece had an amazing time, which was obviously the point, but all the other kids and adults seemed to have a great time as well.

Why do I share all of this? Because I want to remember the party for the next time I get to throw a little shindig. There were so many special touches that I think I would enjoy employing at my cookie party or some other time. Obviously our parties won’t be child-focused, but there are often kids there, and there is more we can do to make sure they are having fun.

Also, I want an excuse to make those Hershey kiss mice.



October 2014




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I am a nervous traveler. Not in a ‘oh my god, we’re all going to crash and die’ sort of way, but in a ‘oh my gosh, we’re going to get stuck in security for hours and miss our flight’ sort of way. Also a ‘we’re going to end up having to check our carry-on bag, which means we’ll get home like 30 minutes later than I thought’ sort of way. And we all know that the extra 30 minutes of sleep I lose because of that is the END OF THE WORLD.

It’s not, though. Not really. Even if we get home a couple of hours later, the world will not end. I’ll still get enough sleep to function for a day. I’m pretty sure this all just stems from my dislike of the unknown. I like to be in control (shocking, I know). So for my next times traveling, I’m going to try to do what Austin does – just go with it. It’ll work out. We will get through security with enough time. There will be space for our bags. And if there isn’t, we will deal with it.

And here is a benefit of having my own blog (that like two people read). Even just seeing it typed out is a nice reminder of what a ridiculous concern it is. There’s too much else that is actually worth my anxiety to let traveling be worrisome. It should be an adventure!



October 2014



Oh. My. Gosh.

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Tonight something magical happened. We thought it would happen in 2016, but after some discussion we made it happen now, in October 2014. We did it. We really did it.

We paid off our student loans.

Well, all but one, and that one is so small and has such a tiny interest rate that it actually makes more sense to keep making those little payments on it.

We’ve been making giant extra payments for almost two years now. Thanks to Austin’s undergrad studies and my desire to learn a little philosophy in London, we started our dating life with a combined outstanding loan total that was more than triple the average single person’s debt upon graduation from college these days. And because my loans were for graduate school, the interest rate was ridiculous – 8.25% for one loan, and 6.55% for another. Austin had ones for around 6.5%. Because he works in a lucrative field, and because I’ve been in my career long enough to have built up to a decent salary, we’ve been lucky enough to throw any extra income / bonuses / stock we have at the loans.

We should get the ‘your account is closed’ letters in the next week or two. In the meantime, though, I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am about not having this giant debt hanging over our heads. We know we’re lucky that we could do this, and that so many people are stuck with ridiculous interest rates, high outstanding loan balances, and untenable monthly payments. But for today, I’m going to celebrate because it feels so good to be free.



October 2014



New Orleans Day 5 – One Last Hurrah

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Thanks to the kindness of the person who owns the house we stayed in, we didn’t have to race to vacate the place by noon. Instead we were able to wander the city one more time, taking in Armstrong Park, a little bit of Treme, and one more visit to a couple of the bars we really liked. Today was very, very warm and humid, and a good send-off, as I am very much looking forward to Seattle’s cool fall weather.

We got a last meal at the Napoleon House (red beans and rice!), walked through Jackson Square one final time, then visited the Carousel Bar again for Ramos Gin Fizzes and more good conversation. As we were leaving, we ran into a pretty famous pop star who was in town as part of her tour. It was pleasing to see that she seemed to be really nice to the wait staff.

We wrapped up our trip with a visit to 21st Amendment – the first bar we visited when we arrived on Friday. We had a great conversation with the bartender, then caught a cab with an extremely colorful driver. It’s hard to leave in some ways, but I have no doubts that we will be back. It’s a great city, with great food, drinks, music, architecture and people, and I can see why so many people choose to call it home.



October 2014



New Orleans Day 4 – Rollin’ On the River

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Today was a busy day in the quarter. We got up and grabbed a quick slice (our first – and likely only – foray into one of the many Pizza + Daquiri joints on Bourbon Street) then caught a shuttle to Mardi Gras world. It’s one of the five companies that does props and floats for the two-week Mardi Gras celebrations for which New Orleans is famous. We ate King Cake (so good!) and learned some interesting facts. Like everyone on the floats pays to be a member of the krewe, and that each float costs $50,000-$80,000 up front, and then $5,000 t0 $15,000 each year to refurbish it. Or that the krewe members have to buy their own ‘throws’ (beads and other things they toss from the floats).

Afterwards we caught a ride on the Steamboat Natchez, which was pretty awesome. It gave some perspective about how the city really is below the river, and also showed us the ports along the way. It was a nice, relaxing way to see more than just the French Quarter.

For dinner we finally visited Frenchmen street. I was in charge of picking the restaurant, and it was (of course) our first ‘meh’ meal experience of the trip. But it was still good, because we got to enjoy some jazz during the meal. Then we wandered the street and caught an art fair and two fantastic bands playing on street corners. This is a Monday, and it’s still more lively than Seattle most nights of the week. It was amazing, and it will be hard to leave this place. Especially because of our last stop of the night – an dessert visit to Cafe du Monde for one more round of beignets.